Austrian, Viktor Schauberger, was known in his time as the Water
Wizard. The courageous inventor built prototype examples of beneficial
technology, in his effort to turn humanity away from deathdealing
technologies. He defended Earth's water, air and soil, but at the end he
was out-manoeuvred by people with lesser motives.
was a big full-bearded man and could be ferociously gruff; he had no
patience with greed-motivated fools. But he was untiringly patient when
learning from his teacher—the natural world. In Alpine forests, along
rivers and in the fields of wise old traditional farmers, the
forester/scientist learned about a life-enhancing energy which enters a
substance such as water or air through inward-spiralling movements of
the substance. During his lifetime of persevering study he copied nature's motions in his own engineering.
technology uses the wrong forms of motion. It is based on entropy—on
motions which nature uses to break down and scatter materials. Nature
uses a different type of motion for creating order and new growth," he admonished in a voice stern with conviction.
prevailing explosion based technology—fuel-burning and atomsplitting—
fills the world with expanding, heat-generating centrifugal motion, he
warned. On the other hand, energy production and other technologies
could instead use inward-moving, cold-generating centripetal motion, which nature employs to build and enliven substances.
hydroelectric power plants use destructive motion, he said; they
pressure water and chop it through turbines. The result is dead water.
His suction turbine, on the other hand, invigorated water. The result,
he said, was clean healthy water.
His stubborn certainty angered
academics who assumed superiority over a largely self-educated man. It
is not surprising that he was sometimes abrasive; the Schauberger
heritage included defiant courage. His ancestors were privileged
Bavarian aristocracy with a manor named Schauburg, and in the thirteenth
century this ancient family lost its royal privileges by publicly
defying a powerful Bishop.
few centuries later, about 1650 A.D., a family member moved to Austria
and began a branch of the Schaubergers which specialized in caring for
forest and wildlife. Breathing the scent of sun-warmed pines,
generations of Schaubergers then lived their family motto of fidus in
silvis silentibus— faithful to the silent forests. Viktor's father was
master woodsman in Holzschlag at Lake Plockenstein, and Viktor absorbed
accumulated wisdom of generations of forest wardens. His mother also
taught him to tune in to nature—to listen to its singing in a mountain
stream as well as its whispering through the treetops, and to learn its
cycles and rhythms. The family's closeness to their environment was not
only on a spiritual or poetic level; it was based on practical
observations. For example, Viktor's elder relatives respected a certain
vigour which they found in cool unpolluted water. So, instead of
irrigating meadows in warm sunlight when the water was sluggish, they
spent moonlit nights lifting gates on their irrigation canals so that
the liveliest [most life-giving] water would flow onto their land. It
grew noticeably more grain and grasses than did the neighbouring lands.
childhood Viktor aspired to be a forest warden like his father,
grandfather and a line of great-grandfathers. As a boy he explored
nearby woods and then roamed farther. He came to know the rumbling
rivers and the musical streams which feed them, just as other young
people know streets and hallways and sounds of their childhood. However,
he noticed that natural waterways rarely flowed in straight corridors.
Instead, a river undulates through the landscape, swerving to one side
and then to the other. Within the larger meandering caused by Earth's
turning, water coils around a twisting central axis as it sweeps
downstream. Keeping in mind this inward-spiralling motion, Schauberger
later developed the basis for a
technology in tune with nature.
Viktor reached university age, his father wanted him to train as an
arboriculturist. The young man resisted the pressure to limit his
outlook to the academic viewpoint. He quit university, but later did
graduate from forest school with state certification as a forest warden,
and then apprenticed under an older warden. Throughout his life he
continued to learn, from books and wise observers as well as directly
from nature.
had the opportunity—rare in this century—of living for years in a vast
unspoiled forest. After the First World War ended, Prince Adolf von
Schaumburg-Lippe hired him to guard 21,000 hectares [51,870 acres] of
mostly virgin forest in a remote district. As he patiently observed
rhythms of life in this huge watershed, Schauberger saw phenomena which
may be impossible to find today. One terrifying example, which in the
end impressed him with the self-regulation of nature, was a landlocked
lake which rejuvenated itself before his eyes. One warm day he was about
to strip and swim in the isolated lake, when it roared with sudden
movement. Whorls appeared on the surface and half-submerged logs started
to move.
The debris circled, faster and faster while a massive
whirlpool formed in the middle of the lake. Then the huge logs sucked
into the centre upended and disappeared into the whirlpool. After the
waters stilled momentarily, a gigantic waterspout startled Schauberger
even more. Turning as it rose, the spout reached as high as a house then
settled back, and the waters began to rise on the shore. The young
gamekeeper ran; he had
seen enough. But the incident added to the mystery of this substance which fascinated him—water.
was well-placed for developing his unique understanding of water; his
workplace was big enough for interconnected life processes to mesh
without hindrance there. Life forms interacted in balance; it was still
an unbroken web of life.
Six foot tall Viktor at that time of his
life was said to be a picture of contentment—muscular good health from
hiking the high country, and alert intelligence described in his facial
features—farseeing eyes, the slight curve of his nose reminiscent of an
eagle's beak, and the determined but good-humoured set to his mouth. He
wrote that this was a happy time, while he watched the larger animals
migrate with the seasons and
observed salmon and trout in cold
mountain streams. Countless hours of studying the fish in motion gave
him insights which later led to one of his inventions, called the trout
Picture him at rest on a summer afternoon, his long
frame stretched on a grassy riverbank. Sunlight filters through a canopy
of leafy branches overhanging the river. Deep in this pristine mountain
setting, the combination of his sharply observant eyes
and his intui t ion was synthesizing new knowledge.
learned that water swirling over rocks in a tree-shaded natural setting
carries a vitality which is real as an electric current carried by
wires. And minerals carried along on that vitalized inward-curling water
enrich the
trees whose rootlets seek the mud. Trees and water, water
and trees. Each needs to have the other growing in a natural state. The
young forest warden once hiked up a mountain with some hunters, old men
who were familiar with the area. High on the mountain they found a heap
of rocks which had been part of a stone hut which had arched over a
mountain spring for as long as anyone could remember. Hikers
would duck into the cool interior of the hut and ladle a drink of refreshing water.
however, someone had dismantled the hut and exposed the spring to
sunlight. To the surprise of the old hunters who came there seasonally,
the now exposed water shrank back into the earth; the spring dried up
for the first time, and it stayed dry. After months and much
head-scratching, they decided to rebuild the stone hut. Eventually the spring returned and continued to flow, season after season.
such as this taught Schauberger that water needs to be cool— about 4°C
[celsius]—even as it bubbles out of the ground. Without a shaded exit,
he found, water will not "grow" to a great height underground and emerge
as the mountaintop spring. As well as temperature, time spent maturing
in underground rocks provides minerals which help make water sparkle
with energy.
Schauberger noticed beautiful vegetation growing
around natural springs —an indication of "mature" mineralized
energetically-charged water. These concepts, of water having qualities
such as strength and maturity, were not found in any textbooks or
lecture notes. The brash forester later told hydrologists to abandon
their microscopes and testing laboratories, and instead study water
holistically in its environment. He found natural watercourses to be
alive with inherent intelligence, and not to be mere movements of a
chemical substance.
Another mystery which fascinated him was the
sight of large trout and salmon lying nearly motionless in a stream
while facing into a swift current. When the forester moved and startled
the fish, they darted upstream headlong into the rushing current. Why
didn't they go with the obvious flow and escape downstream? Was there
some invisible channel of energy running opposite to the current?
decided to experiment on a sizable stream with rapids where a large
trout often lay. Schauberger sent his woodsmen 500 metres upstream to
build a bonfire. He instructed them to heat about a hundred litres of
water and pour it in the stream on signal. This infusion of warm in
water made no noticeable difference in the overall temperature of the
stream. But the position of the large trout downstream immediately
weakened, and despite thrashing its tail and fins, it was swept
downstream. Schauberger was then sure of the connection between water
temperature and some unknown flow of energy in the water.
reinforced his belief that the sheltering tangle of willow branches
overhanging a river is crucial; without cooling shade, excess warming
would cause the water to lose an electrical-type potency. One moonlit
night brought both danger and a magical sight. He was sitting beside a
waterfall waiting to catch a notorious fish poacher. To pass the time he
watched trout swim in the crystal-clear pond below.
Suddenly a
much larger trout arrived and dominated the scene with a twisting
underwater dance. It headed under the main fall of water, and soon
reappeared for an instant, spinning vertically under a glittering
cone-shaped stream of
water. To Viktor's amazement, the lone fish
then stopped spinning and instead floated upward to a higher ledge of
the waterfall. There it fell into the rush water and disappeared again
with a swish of its tail.
The dangerous poacher was forgotten,
after the spectacle of a silvey fish floating up the moonlit waterfall.
Schauberger filled his pipe and slowly, thoughtfully, walked home.
Again, it seemed the wild stream must
generate some type of energy.
Years later, Schauberger would devise an experiment which clearly
demonstrated an electric charge present in moving water.
clear night, in late winter, he again rubbed his sharply observant eyes
in disbelief. Exploring a rushing stream in bright moonlight, he stood
on the bank looking down into a deep pool. The water was so clear that
he could see the bottom, several metres below the surface.
stones on the bottom were jostling about. Even more amazing, an
egg-shaped stone about the size of a human head started circling in the
same way as a trout does before jumping a waterfall. Suddenly the rock
broke the surface of the pond, and slowly a circle of ice formed around
the floating stone. Was this a cold-generating instead of a
heat-generating process? Then one by one nearly all the egg-shaped
stones circled up and appeared on the surface.
Stones of other
shapes remained unmoving on the bottom. What metals did the dancing
stones contain? Why the egg shape? What force develops in this pristine
water? What is motion, anyway?
Schauberger had a lot of solitude
for mulling these questions, and eventually he developed a theory about
different types of motion. He saw that water needed freedom to move in a
vortexian motion (three dimensional spiralling).
He saw the spi
rall ing shape in the growth of vines, ferns, snail shells, whirlpools,
galaxies and countless other formations. The hyperbolic spiral was
everywhere, as if acting out some underlying universal motion. In
rivers, the spiral was seen in the horizontal tightening twists of the
layered current. He became certain that the contracting vortex created a
very real energy in the water as it flowed.
Schauberger learned
how colder, denser, stronger water in streams carried heavy natural
debris without silting, and how undisturbed rivers managed seasonal
torrents without seriously eroding their banks. Schauberger proved to be
a skilled engineer who turned his insights into practical devices. But
even his first invention was controversial.
Schauberger was studying nature's habits, outside the forest others
were more entranced by worldly ways. The aging prince who owned the
wilderness had a young wife who liked to gamble, so he needed quick cash
to pay his wife's debts. The prince eyed his remote forests and saw
lumber which could be sold. The prince's predicament placed a challenge
before his forester—could Schauberger make a miles-long wooden
waterslide which would carry logs from the high mountain slopes down to
the valley?
Experts said it was impossible—heavy logs would
scrape to a halt on the wooden slide. Or if they somehow gathered speed,
they would smash the sides of a flume. However, from his father and
from observing wild
rivers, Schauberger knew how to bolster the
strength of water just as nature does, so that even heavy beechwood
would ride high on the shallow stream.
He hired men to build a
strange structure which curved and twisted down the steep mountain. At
points along the route, his design included valves for inlets and
outlets which poured in cold water from other streams and released
sun-warmed water from the chute.
The day before the deadline, a
log started down the new chute for a test run, then it stalled and stuck
in place. The workmen snickered, they had no faith in this zigzagging
Schauberger sent them home so that he could think.
While sitting on a rock looking down at his log-sorting dams, he felt a
snake under his leather trousers. After he jumped up and threw it away,
it landed in the
dam. Observing it through binoculars, he wondered
how a snake can swim so quickly without fins. As if in answer to his
problem of transporting logs, the snake twisted in both vertical and
horizontal curves.
"Understand Nature, then copy Nature," was
Schauberger's motto. From the sawmill he ordered lengths of wood, and
his workers hammered all night, nailing short timbers within the curves
of the flume to add the
up-down snakelike motion to the water.
the Prince and Princess and other dignitaries arrived for the
demonstration the next day, there had been no time for a test run. None
of the men believed the flimsy-appearing structure could carry even one
the massive logs without disaster. But it did work. The cold water
floated heavy logs and the shape of the chute spiralled the water,
which swept the logs always toward the centre of the current and away
from the sides of the wooden flume. The serpentine movement was a
gratitude the Prince appointed Schauberger as head warden of all his
hunting and forest districts. Then Schauberger was awarded a further
honour— the position of State Consultant for Timber Flotation
Installations. Not everyone was pleased, however. Experts with academics
degrees resented the fact that a non-academic had landed such a
high-salaried position, and the fact that they had to consult with him.
Finally the payscale furore reached high levels, and the federal
minister who hired Schauberger had to cut his salary in half.
Schauberger was welcome to stay on the job, though, and the minister
offered to make up the missing half of his wages out of the minister's
"black funds." Schauberger would have nothing to do with such sleazy
practices, however, and he immediately resigned.
He was then
hired by a private building contractor to construct log flumes in
various European countries until 1934, when Schauberger again criticized
an employer's manipulations.
Why would a natural philosopher
like Schauberger get involved in log transport, anyway? The answer is
complex. Earlier as a forester, it was his job to plan how to move
wind-felled timber from high slopes down to valleys where people could
use it for firewood and building. Schauberger opposed what he saw as
exploitation of horses; he objected to the practice of forcing draft
animals to burst their sinews pulling heavy logs down mountainsides.
Also, his biographer Olaf Alexandersson writes, Schauberger naively
tried to restrict tree-cutting by reducing transport costs—the companies
would not need to cut as many trees in order to make the same amount of
At the same time as he was flume-building, he gave
speeches and wrote articles about the result of clearing a forest area
totally—loss of healthy water downstream and, eventually, drought.
"Every economic death of a people is always preceded by the death of its forests," he warned.
were not as checkered with clearcuts at that time, and local sawmills
were not all bought up by large companies which were to become voracious
in their appetite for timber. However, Schauberger was alarmed
what he saw forthcoming—"Reckless deforestation results in the drying
out of mountain sources, dying of whole forests, uncontrollable mountain
streams, silting of water and the sinking of subterranean water stores
near where human interference took place."
follows the same laws as the blood in our bodies and the sap in plants;
it has analogically the right of being treated as the blood of earth."
He sharply criticized hydrologists—the experts on water—and said that
had only their own careers in mind and had failed radically to
understand what was happening in watercourses. "They did nothing, except
reinforce . . . quite haphazardly, some banks of rivers and brooks,
but managed to forget everything about the water itself as if it had no concern."
scorned Schauberger's non-academic warnings. He had learned that river
water is made up of layers of different densities and the lamination has
a purpose in generating a charge in healthy water. Water is
merely a chemical compound, he insisted; it should not be recklessly
chopped up in hydro-electric turbines, much less injected with chlorine
or unnecessarily exposed to heating.
The experts hooted when he
pointed out that in a person, a temperature change of only a tenth of a
degree celcius could mean sickness or health. Was he comparing a planet
with a person? Did he think Earth was a living organism with
biologically-active bloodstream? They ignored the heretical concepts.
offered to organize a job creation project to rebuild watercourses. If
artificially-channelled rivers were to be uncaged and restored to their
meanders and oxbows sheltered by vegetation, would the rivers
again keep their own channels clean and stop their own wild flooding?
was never given the chance to find out. He was realistic enough to look
for a more feasible way of rebuilding, and in 1929 he patented a system
of braking barriers to be inserted along a troublesome
The barriers would redirect the axis of flow toward the middle of a
stream, reducing the amount of soil carried away from the banks. Another
complex Schauberger patent offered to both control the action of outlet
water from holding dams and to strengthen the dams by including factors
of temperature and motion.
Was anyone from academia listening?
One renowned hydrologist eventually was; he started out by denigrating
Schauberger and ended up following him around in the woods and even into
a chilly river. Professor Forcheimer literally waded into Schauberger's
teachings about the laws governing water's behaviour, and the professor
decided that the self-edu Thecated man actually based theories on
facts. Unlike colleagues who were in the middle of academic careers,
Forcheimer would not lose financially by championing a heretic; the
professor was in his seventies and, as it turned out, near the end of
his life.
Regardless of his bitter battles with the scientific
community, Schauberger believed in the scientific method. He
experimented on liquids and gases in a small laboratory he set up. His
aim however, was to develop a
science which actually worked [on
principles opposite to the orthodox viewpoint]. "Humanity has committed a
great crime by ignoring the use of cycloidal motion of water," he said.
For example, the current waterpumping devices were not only
uneconomical, he said, "they cause water to degenerate by depriving it
of its biological values." Attempts to explain connections between
cycloidal motion and levitation to a scientist are useless, Schauberger
said bitterly. Nor are world leaders any help "because they lean on the
ignorance of the masses, including the scientists, as well as . . .
current physical laws, to safeguard their vested interests and
Conventional energy conversion—burning of fossil
fuels or atom-splitting— turns order into chaos. Schauberger proposed
processes which would add order and energy to substances such as water,
instead of destroying it,
while generating useful electric power.
believed that an invisible field structure permeated everything and was
necessary for life, but he observed that technologies could propel the
unknown field structure into either motions harmful to biosystems or
helpful to biosystems. In other words, he held technical planners
responsible for the life or death of biological systems.
How did he prove his ideas?
one to stay at the vapourware [designed but not yet produced] level of
ideas, Schauberger picked up his tools and built hardware. From
watercourses to agricultural implements, his constructions attracted
praise from users. Then he turned to extracting electrical energy
directly from the flow of water and air. "They contain all the power we
need." Hitler had heard of the Living Water Man through an
industrialist. After
Germany took over Austria in 1938, word came to
Schauberger that he would be hired to plan log flotation structures in
Bavaria, Bohemia and North Austria, and that furthermore he could use a
professor's laboratory
in Nuremburg for his research.
Schauberger sent for his son Walter (born July 26, 1914). Walter had
studied physics in university and found that some of his father's
concepts were foreign to the way he had been taught to think. However.
scepticism crumbled during the experiments they conducted. Walter
contributed useful techniques himself, and the duo were soon extracting
50,000 volts from fine jets of water at low pressures. A physicist
a nearby technical college came; his first action was to search for
hidden wires. When he could find none, he lost his temper and asked
Walter where he had hidden the electrical leads. Eventually he had to
admit that there was no trick involved; the experiment was valid. However, he could not explain such a high charge from water.
Second World War interrupted their experiments, and Walter [was]
drafted. Viktor was ordered to undergo a physical examination supposedly
related to his forthcoming pension. However, says biographer
Alexandersson, "it looked like an engineering and architectural association was behind this demand for a check-up."
Schauberger unsuspectingly showed up, but was whisked away to another
clinic. He was told it was for a special exam, but to his horror he
found himself being questioned in a psychiatric clinic. He forced
to answer the questions in a peaceful non-abrasive way; if he
displayed anger he might be locked up. Two doctors tested him and found
him perfectly sane as well as highly intelligent. They never found out
had arranged to get him into the mental hospital.
himself was drafted in 1943, despite his age. After a brief stint as
commander of a parachute group in Italy, he was ordered by Himmler
[Hitler's chief lieutenant] to the Mauthausen concentration camp.
Himmler's greeting, passed on by the camp's military leader, gave him a
choice—death by hanging, or develop machines which used the energy he
had discovered. He was told to lead a scientific team of the best
engineers and stress-analysts from among the prisoners.
The work
was based on Schauberger's discovery of how to develop a low-pressure
zone at the atomic level. This had happened in seconds when his
laboratory device whirled air or water "radially and axially" at a
falling temperature. He referred to the resulting force as diamagnetic
levitation power. He emphasized that nature uses indirect—what
Schauberger called reactionary—suction force.
He insisted that
the technical team from the concentration camp be treated as free men
would. After their research headquarters was bombed, they were
transferred to Leonstein and started a flying disc project to be powered
with his trout-inspired turbine which rotated air into a twisting type
of oscillation resulting in a buildup of immense power causing
levitation. A small model which crashed against the ceiling glowed
blue-green at first as it rose, then trailed a silvery glow.
to researcher Norbert Harthun, his devices were no more than laboratory
models by the end of the War. However, the American military officers
who showed up a few days after the model hit the ceiling
seemed to
know what he was doing. They seized everything. He was interrogated by a
high-ranking officer, and put in "protective custody" for six months.
The officers also heavily questioned his helpers. Russian
members of the team later returned to the Soviet Union.
book quotes a letter from Schauberger saying he was confined by the
occupying forces for nearly a year because of his knowledge of atomic
energy (even though his research was directed toward
implosion—which was labelled fusion—rather than toward the destructive fission approach to the atom).
few tantalizing bits of lore about Hitler's "flying saucers" rose into
public awareness years later. The July 27, 1956 Munich publication Da
Neue Zeitalter said that".. . Viktor Schauberger was the inventor and
of this new motive power—implosion, which, with the use of
only air and water, generated light, heat and motion." The first
unmanned flying disc was tested February 19, 1945 near Prague, the
German periodical
claimed; the disc could hover motionless in the air
and could fly as fast backwards as forwards. "This 'flying disc' had a
diameter of 50 metres."
Viktor wrote to a friend in 1958 that the
craft test-flown near Prague was built according to the model he made
at the concentration camp, and it rose to 15,000 metres in three
minutes. It then flew horizontally at 2,200 kilometres per hour. "It was
only after the war that I came to hear, through one of the workers
under my direction, a Czech, that further intensive development was in
progress; however, there was no answer to my enquiry."
There is
no doubt Viktor Schauberger knew how to build an implosion device which
levitated. His problem was how to brake it. Test models generated so
much energy that an entire engine lifted itself off the floor, levitated
in the high-ceilinged test hall, and crashed against the ceiling. At
the end of the Second World War, American and Russian military
confiscated his models, diagrams and even the materials he used.
the Russians even burned his apartment in case they had missed any
technological secrets hidden there. Did anyone carry on the
levitationcraft work after Schauberger's wartime research team was split
The answer may be buried in some country's classified
defense files. After the Far East Treaty was signed, Schauberger took up
his research again. He had lost his financial assets in the war, but he
stubbornly persisted from his home at Linz, and took out patents.
Despite having no money, he thought he could help the world by turning
his inventive genius and his insights toward agriculture.
about the effects of both the chemical industry and deforestation upon
agriculture, he stated, "The farmers work hand-in-hand with our
foresters. The blood of the earth continuously weakens, and the
productivity of the soil decreases."
When forests can no longer
nurture water sources which supply vitality, then farmland downstream
cannot build up a voltage in the ground which is necessary for keeping
parasitic bacteria in balance, he observed.
Noticing that soil dried
out after being ploughed with iron ploughs, he built copper-plated
ploughs. The ploughs successfully increased crops, but the greed of
special-interest groups stopped the venture.
continued to come up with innovations to help grow healthy crops, until
all his work was halted in 1958. Walter and Viktor were in the United
States from June 26 through September 20, 1958, living
together day
and night, and Walter emerged from the experience with a new
appreciation of Viktor's knowledge. But their joint attempt to get his
implosion generator funded and developed was derailed.
is known publicly about their trip to America except a few key aspects.
In the winter of 1958 two men, which European researchers refer to as
"American agents," visited Viktor and convinced him to go to America for
what they promised would be only three months. He was led to believe
that the purpose would be to finally convert his knowledge into the
manufacturing of beneficial devices.
It turned out to be an
ordeal which the father and son had not expected. They were flown to a
sweltering hot climate—Texas in summer— which stressed Viktor's health.
He was now nearly 73 years old. Over the
months Viktor became
increasingly angry because the men and their associates now were in no
hurry to set up a facility and develop implosion motors to generate
clean power. "Now we have plenty of time," was their
first trusting the sincerity of his hosts, Schauberger had brought all
his documents and devices to Texas, and was then asked to write down
everything he knew. He co-operated and the material was sent to an
atomic technology expert who met with the Schaubergers for three days in
September. According to Olaf Alexandersson, the expert from New York
said "... The path which Mr. Schauberger in his treatise and with his
models has followed is the biotechnical path of the future. What
Schauberger proposes and asserts is correct. In four years, all this
will be confirmed."
The two Schaubergers expected to go home now;
three months had passed. But the Texas group apparently demanded that
the father and son remain in the United States of America and live in
the Arizona desert. The Schaubergers refused. After much argument, the
Americans relented and said Viktor could travel home, but first he had
to sign a contract and agree to take a course in English. Unfortunately
the contract was in English and Viktor did not know the language. His
biographers say he was pressured to sign quickly; their flight would
leave shortly and there was no time to quibble.
Viktor at that
point only wanted to get out of the hellish heat and away from these
deceptive people. He signed. Walter refused to sign. He would be on
dangerous ground with immigrant authorities if he signed such a contact,
for one thing.
After Viktor gave in and signed, suddenly there
was ample time before they needed to go to the airport. Champagne corks
popped and their hosts celebrated.
One can only imagine the
conversation between father and son on the flight home. At last we can
go home; get away from those thieves. But what have we done?
probably had the heartbreaking task of spelling it out to his father.
"Yes, it is as I told you when they were pressuring you to sign; the
contract says that now you can't write about or even talk about your
discoveries, and you are bound to give everything you know to that boss
of the Texas consortium. Their contract says they now have all the
rights to the 'Schauberger business' as they put it."
Schauberger's implosion process considered by the American officials to
be "cold fusion"? The Austrian observer of nature apparently did arrive
at results related to modern sub-atomic research. In the late
an independent researcher tried to get information on the Texas
incident. Erwin Krieger's attempt to get information through the Freedom
of Information Act failed; he was told by a form letter that the
material may be related to national security.
Schauberger was at the end a despairing man. In the last few days of
his life he reportedly cried over and over, "They took everything from
me, everything. I don't even own myself!" Stripped of hope, he died five
days after they returned home.
His passion for learning nature's
ways and then applying that knowledge to life-enhancing technology, and
his efforts to interest those who could fund its development, had let
him a long way from the peaceful forest.
The more recent loss was the
legal right to work on his implosion technology. But how did that
compare to what seemed like the loss of his lifetime of hard-won
The world had ignored warnings—from him and
others—about what would happen if natural forests disappeared en masse,
and his planet's weather, water, soil and air deteriorated as a result.
Nature was thrown out of balance. Too much of the life-destructive
motions and not enough of the life-creative motions? In Schauberger's
despairing view, humanity was headed towards a mental and spiritual
sluggishness, easily controlled by dictators who step in at a time of
food shortages.
More than thirty-five years after Viktor
Schauberger's death, there is a surge of concern for the planet's
health. The health of its inhabitants—in the sea and on land—is in turn
deteriorating. Will humanity turn toward Viktor Schauberger's insights?
There are signs: maverick scientists are developing theories such as how
a subtle energy (unknown field structure) may be drawn into use by
shapes and vortexian movements. In Europe, new books and magazines bring
out Schauberger's teachings; nonconventional scientists teach that the
opposite poles in nature (light and dark, warm and cold, pressure and
suction, male and female and so on) are necessary to create movement.
Further, these books say, without movement there is no life, and the
force created in healthy moving water is the life force.
John Davidson of England looks at "a possible similarity between
magnetic alignment of atoms in iron, and alignment of molecules of water
moved in Schauberger-advocated hyperbolic spirals
... we create effects which were not apparent beforehand."
the Atlantic, nuclear physicist Dan Davidson suggested mathematical
research into natural river meanders, naturally occurring spirals and
other geometric patterns in nature, to find equations for tapping the
diamagnetic forces which Viktor Schauberger used.
in Europe, Walter Schauberger snubbed Americans who tried to
communicate with him; so deep was his anger at the way his father was
treated. But Walter is reportedly doing all he can to carry on his
work, at his secluded private institute. Among other teams doing
scientifically-rigorous related research are the Scandinavian Institutes
of Ecological Technique.
In New Mexico, William Baumgartner
dedicated years to experimenting on building implosion hardware such as a
version of Schauberger's "trout motor" and a water-energizing device,
and he expects to have a reliable
suction turbine built by the time
this is in print. Baumgartner also lectures on Schauberger's innovations
for agriculture and water treatment, as does Callum Coates in Australia
and others in Europe and Canada.
Life-oriented technology may yet arrive in time.
Olaf, Living Water: Victor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural
Energy, Turnstone Press Ltd., Wellington, Northamptonshire, 1982.
Williams, Energy Extraction from the Vortex, Proceedings of the
International Symposium on New Energy, Denver 1993.
Williams, Energy Unlimited Magazine and Causes Newsletter, numerous
articles on vortexian mechanics and Schauberger technology,
based on Baumgartiner's hands-on experience, 1970s and 1980s, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Brown, Tom, Editor, More Implosion than Explosion, Borderland Sciences, Garberville CA, 1986.
Callum, "The Magic & Majesty of Water: The Natural
Eco-Technological Theories of Viktor Shaubauger," Nexus Magazine,
Australia, June-July 1993.
Davidson, Dan A., Energy: Breakthroughs to New Free Energy Devices. Rivas Publishing, 1990.
Davidson, John, Secret of the Creative Vacuum.
Borge, "Advances with Viktor Schauberger's Implosion System," New
Energy Technology, The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Ottawa,
Frokjaer-Jensen, Borge, The Scandinavian Research
Organization On Non-Conventional Energy and The Implosion Theory of
Viktor Schauberger, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on
Non-Conventional Energy Technology, Toronto, 1981.
Norbert, Systems in Nature: Models for Technical Conversion of
Energy—Statements by Viktor and Walter Schauberger, Proceedings of The
Second International Symposium on Non-Conventional Energy
Technology, Cadake Industries, Atlanta, 1983.
Kelly, D.A., The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems, Vol. 11., Cadake Industries, 1986.
Lindemann, Peter A., A History of Free Energy Discoveries, Borderland Sciences, Garberville CA 1986.
Manning, Jeane, "Vortex Mechanic," Explore More Magazinve No. 6, Mt. Vernon WA, 1990.
New Energy Technology, The Planetary Association for Clean Energy Inc., Ottawa, 1990.
Jorge, Secret of the Schauberger Saucers: A Theoretical Analysis of
Available Information on this Rare and Suppressed Technology, Borderland
Sciences, California, 1988.
Schauberger, Viktor, (translated by
Dagmar Sarkar), '"Unfathomable Water," Energy Unlimited Magazine, Issue
24, Alburquerque, New Mexico.
Schauberger, Viktor, (articles
translated by W.P. Baumgartner and Albert Zock) Causes Newsletter
1988-91, Albuquerque, New Mexico