Monday, October 31, 2011

Prince Charles admits he's a descendant of Dracula

Prince Charles a Descendant of Dracula?  
By Katherine Weber | Christian Post Contributor

Prince Charles has publicly admitted to being related to Dracula.

HRH Prince Charles appeared on the premiere of the upcoming TV show “Wild Carpathia.” The television show seeks to raise awareness for the Transylvanian Forest of Carpathia, which maintains a traditional Romanian heritage in light of the country’s stampede to modernize.

In the television show premiere, Prince Charles confesses to having relations to Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula.

“The genealogy shows that I am descended from Vlad the Impaler,” Prince Charles told TV host Charlie Ottley.

“So I have a bit of a stake in the country,” he added.

Vlad the Impaler was a 15th century Romanian warlord who ruled primarily during the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans. He was known for his cruel fighting tactics, including impaling his enemies. Rumor has it he dipped his bread in the blood of his victims.

His patronymic name was “Dracula,” the meaning of which is disputed to be either “dragon,” because his father was a member of the Order of the Dragon, or “son of the devil.”

Irish author Bram Stoker used Vlad the Impaler as inspiration for the character of vampire Count Dracula in his 1897 novel “Dracula.”

According to BBC News, Queen Mary is said to be related to Vlad the Impaler.
“It is known that porphyria, an iron deficiency, which is thought to lie behind the vampire myth, has run in the Royal Family,” added BBC News.

Prince Charles has always advocated his love for Transylvania, once dubbing it a “national treasure” for its untouched natural beauty and antiquity.

Transylvania, although possessing a stagnant economy, has been regarded as a land reminiscent of fairy tales, with sprawling forests, meadows, and medieval cottages dotting the untainted landscape. 
Prince Charles also has a retreat property in the Transylvania town of Viscri, which is considered to be the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler.

See Also: 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who owns your employer?

An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has discovered that they are owned by a relatively small group of companies... consisting of mainly banks.

Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world 

19 October 2011 by Andy Coghlan and Debora MacKenzie


 The Occupy Wall Street movement spreads to London (Image: Dave Stock)

AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.

The study's assumptions have attracted some criticism, but complex systems analysts contacted by New Scientist say it is a unique effort to untangle control in the global economy. Pushing the analysis further, they say, could help to identify ways of making global capitalism more stable.

The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York's Occupy Wall Street movement and protesters elsewhere (see photo). But the study, by a trio of complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, is the first to go beyond ideology to empirically identify such a network of power. It combines the mathematics long used to model natural systems with comprehensive corporate data to map ownership among the world's transnational corporations (TNCs).

 The 1318 transnational corporations that form the core of the economy. Superconnected companies are red, very connected companies are yellow. The size of the dot represents revenue (Image: PLoS One)

"Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it's conspiracy theories or free-market," says James Glattfelder. "Our analysis is reality-based."

Previous studies have found that a few TNCs own large chunks of the world's economy, but they included only a limited number of companies and omitted indirect ownerships, so could not say how this affected the global economy - whether it made it more or less stable, for instance.

The Zurich team can. From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide, they pulled out all 43,060 TNCs and the share ownerships linking them. Then they constructed a model of which companies controlled others through shareholding networks, coupled with each company's operating revenues, to map the structure of economic power.

The work, to be published in PloS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships (see image). Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What's more, although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appeared to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world's large blue chip and manufacturing firms - the "real" economy - representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues.

When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147 even more tightly knit companies - all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.

John Driffill of the University of London, a macroeconomics expert, says the value of the analysis is not just to see if a small number of people controls the global economy, but rather its insights into economic stability.

Concentration of power is not good or bad in itself, says the Zurich team, but the core's tight interconnections could be. As the world learned in 2008, such networks are unstable. "If one [company] suffers distress," says Glattfelder, "this propagates."

"It's disconcerting to see how connected things really are," agrees George Sugihara of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, a complex systems expert who has advised Deutsche Bank.
Yaneer Bar-Yam, head of the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI), warns that the analysis assumes ownership equates to control, which is not always true. Most company shares are held by fund managers who may or may not control what the companies they part-own actually do. The impact of this on the system's behaviour, he says, requires more analysis.

Crucially, by identifying the architecture of global economic power, the analysis could help make it more stable. By finding the vulnerable aspects of the system, economists can suggest measures to prevent future collapses spreading through the entire economy. Glattfelder says we may need global anti-trust rules, which now exist only at national level, to limit over-connection among TNCs. Bar-Yam says the analysis suggests one possible solution: firms should be taxed for excess interconnectivity to discourage this risk.

One thing won't chime with some of the protesters' claims: the super-entity is unlikely to be the intentional result of a conspiracy to rule the world. "Such structures are common in nature," says Sugihara.

Newcomers to any network connect preferentially to highly connected members. TNCs buy shares in each other for business reasons, not for world domination. If connectedness clusters, so does wealth, says Dan Braha of NECSI: in similar models, money flows towards the most highly connected members. The Zurich study, says Sugihara, "is strong evidence that simple rules governing TNCs give rise spontaneously to highly connected groups". Or as Braha puts it: "The Occupy Wall Street claim that 1 per cent of people have most of the wealth reflects a logical phase of the self-organising economy."

So, the super-entity may not result from conspiracy. The real question, says the Zurich team, is whether it can exert concerted political power. Driffill feels 147 is too many to sustain collusion. Braha suspects they will compete in the market but act together on common interests. Resisting changes to the network structure may be one such common interest.

The top 50 of the 147 superconnected companies

  • 1. Barclays plc
    2. Capital Group Companies Inc
    3. FMR Corporation
    4. AXA
    5. State Street Corporation
    6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
    7. Legal & General Group plc
    8. Vanguard Group Inc
    9. UBS AG
    10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
    11. Wellington Management Co LLP
    12. Deutsche Bank AG
    13. Franklin Resources Inc
    14. Credit Suisse Group
    15. Walton Enterprises LLC
    16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
    17. Natixis
    18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
    19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
    20. Legg Mason Inc
    21. Morgan Stanley
    22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc
    23. Northern Trust Corporation
    24. Société Générale
    25. Bank of America Corporation
    26. Lloyds TSB Group plc
    27. Invesco plc
    28. Allianz SE 29. TIAA
    30. Old Mutual Public Limited Company
    31. Aviva plc
    32. Schroders plc
    33. Dodge & Cox
    34. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc*
    35. Sun Life Financial Inc
    36. Standard Life plc
    37. CNCE
    38. Nomura Holdings Inc
    39. The Depository Trust Company
    40. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
    41. ING Groep NV
    42. Brandes Investment Partners LP
    43. Unicredito Italiano SPA
    44. Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan
    45. Vereniging Aegon
    46. BNP Paribas
    47. Affiliated Managers Group Inc
    48. Resona Holdings Inc
    49. Capital Group International Inc
    50. China Petrochemical Group Company
  • * Lehman still existed in the 2007 dataset used
  • Graphic: The 1318 transnational corporations that form the core of the economy
  • (Data: PLoS One)  

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Surviving after an ELE (Extinction Level Event) has occured

Many of us are aware that we're all about to face an ELE (Extinction Level Event) sooner or later.

However, it must also be noted that although the event may be classified as an 'ELE', there are chances that a very very small minority from among us may actually be able to survive the event(s).

What do the survivors do next? How does a man with no one by his side survive further? 
Watch this exciting series titled "Apocalypse Man" which aired on History Channel last year for techniques that may come in handy.

Monday, October 17, 2011

HDTV: Could this be the real reason?

I recommend reading a few of my posts labelled 'Subliminals' (see in order to be better equipped to understand this one.

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV


Did you ever hear of the expression if it's to good to be true then it probably is .This is a good example here.
Wow that was nice of our Government to help people get HD TV boxes with the vouchers they gave out..They would lose sleep at night if your TV picture wasn't crystal clear.They care so much ,it's very important to them.
How else could they program your mind with whatever they want.Maybe they could play messages like .It's ok for the bankers to rape and destroy america .Bailing out banks is a good thing.Or ,You accept GMO food as real food.The fluoride that's put in tap water tastes delicious, drink plenty of it.God only knows what they are playing .Maybe even, it's time for a new world order.Here is the scary technology you can bet they are using on us right  now.

UHF Silent Subliminals

 The Amazing Patented Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) “Silent” Subliminal® Affirmations process was created by aerospace engineer O.M. Lowery (US Patent #5,1159.703) is one of the most exciting advances in personal improvement in years!

Just imagine powerful subliminal messages recorded at high frequencies that are not masked by music or any other sound but are essentially inaudible to your conscious mind! Play them anywhere, anytime while driving, eating, watching TV, even while you sleep.
Now you can experience the latest achievement in subliminal technology!

A Revolutionary Approach to Subliminal Technology

We we’re so impressed by this powerful, new way to record subliminal messages, we contacted its creator, aerospace engineer O.M. Lowery, to find out how and why his encoding method is such an important step into 21st century brain/mind technology.

Lowery explained that he designed his patented process to overcome the deficiencies found in many “masked” subliminals which completely bury all voice affirmations. (The subliminals developed by WBLI are recorded at higher decibel levels which do not completely mask our messages).
Although inaudible to the conscious mind, the Silent Subliminal signals are powerfully perceived by the listener’s unconscious mind.
The Silent Subliminal process records voice affirmations on a powerful, inaudible, ultra high audio frequency carrier (14.8 khz) in a format which is easily picked up and decoded by the human ear. The encoded voice affirmations actually vibrate the tympanic membrane (diaphragm) of the ear at the strongest possible, yet totally safe, level.(more here)

Here is a good story about all of this from the PPJGazette :

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection?

Ever since first hearing of it last spring, I’ve had a deepening sense of foreboding – an unnamed dread of the upcoming shift to an all-digital television broadcast signal, scheduled to occur in February 2009. Now, I believe, that nameless dread may have a name, after all.
The Department of Defense calls it Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), and it also goes by the name of S-quad or Squad. In the private sector, the technology goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached catchy brand names like BrainSpeak Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products.
Whatever you call it, SSSS is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind.
Perfected more than twenty years ago by the Department of Defense and battlefield-tested upon unwitting Iraqi soldiers serving in the army of Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War during 1991, SSSS is a sinister weapon that may have been been developed for a specific mission: the total subjugation of the American people.

Monday, October 10, 2011

What is Your Occupation?

What is Your Occupation?

Don't tell me what you believe. Show me what you do, then I'll know what you believe.

What do you respond to? And how do you respond? When "moved" by something do you really move? Does your life change so as to respond to what you were so "moved" about? Are you respons-able? to respond?
What is your body, mind and spirit doing most of the time? Compare what you say you believe to how you live. Then make the two match up. Protest, spread truth, turn off the TV, get out of the banks, boycott the corporate beasts, detach from stuff and don't participate in the lie any longer.
But spread the word...and act accordingly. You'll know.

Analysis Paralysis Is Just Another Excuse

That's one thing that holds people back from doing what they know they should do. It's really a stalling technique until the conviction of your consciousness wears off and you can go back to your routine.
"After all, what would happen to ME if I tried to do something about the sick state the world is in? I don't want to get in trouble, never mind risk my reputation or losing my friends and even alienating my own family! Heck, I might get arrested or put on some watch list! And my job! Oh my God, if they found out I went activist and attended or supported one of these Occupations or some other cause and started talking openly about some of these controversial things? I could lose my JOB!"
And die in shame and regret. Wait till your grandkids ask, "What were you doing during the takeover of the world?"

Open Up and Let It Out!

I don't care how small it is, DO SOMETHING for the Truth! Activate the voice of conscience by starting out one step at a time. Write friends, start a blog, occupy something, attend meetings and events, talk to strangers when you're out. Follow the trail set before you. If and when you do choose to occupy something and meet a few like-minded inspirational people with real conviction, it's so encouraging and heart warming it'll change your life forever!
Consciousness is in everyone, and like a water faucet, it don't come unless you open it up! And once you do, go with the flow!
There's a massive awakening that's been taking place for many years, and it's now building so exponentially it's burst into this wonderful occupation revolution. 

It's a manifestation..not just of frustration, but awareness!
And the PTBs are falling all over each other trying to co-opt, mislabel and steer this uprising or use it for some political purpose. Such fools. Being UNconscious they'll never get it. So don't fear them. But DO keep letting the light in which is exposing the HELL out of them! And if you can't get out there or raise your voice to your satisfaction, support those that do help the awakening and a cause you embrace! There's all kinds of ways everyone can participate! Whatever you do, don't just be a bystander...get in the current however you can...each awakened life has a HUGE impact!

Our very lives are a testament to the Truth...let it shine!

We are the soldiers of the awakening
Our message is light and sound
We have no master, we follow no leader
Yet we are all at the head of our cause
Our mission is ascension from misery
Our promise is enlightenment
Our past is timeless, our future is present
We are keepers of evernow
We demand nothing, for we need nothing
We abhor violence, detest ignorance,
Advise radiance, enable convergence,
We think without brains, speak without tongues,
Move without bodies, and love without hearts
We are spirit without boundary
Light without fear
Sight without perception
Truth beyond doubt
We are pitch, volume, sparkle & brilliance,
Shining melody, harmonious vision
Attainment, atonement, attunement, our testaments
Unity in diversity
The reflecting pool of eternity
Infinite fraternity

So....what's YOUR occupation?
Love always, Zenonymous


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Subliminal Messaging in Popular Advertising

Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communication technicians, whereby you receive and respond to information and instructions without being aware of it. Messages in the form of printed words, pictures or voices presented either very rapidly or very obscurely bypass your conscious awareness. Anything consciously perceived can be evaluated, criticized, discussed, argued, and possibly rejected. Anything programmed subliminally to your subconsciousness meets no resistance. This subliminal information is stored in your brain and capable of influencing your judgment, behavior and attitudes. The use of subliminal techniques in print communication media has been going on in the United States at least since the World War I period.

Watch the following series (Credit goes to Dr FreeMason from youtube) to know more:
Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Saturday, October 1, 2011

India backs the Palestinian people

Its always good to see people stand up for who is right, regardless of race, color or religion.
I'm proud of my country for this one too.

India backs Palestinian bid for UN membership

Indo-Asian News Service
Saturday, 01 October 2011

United Nations: India came out in all out support for a Palestinian bid for membership of the United Nations as a Security Council committee met behind closed doors to begin considering its application.
Underscoring New Delhi's support of the Palestinians' bid, India's permanent representative Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday recalled that his country was the first non-Arab state to grant recognition of a Palestinian state when it did so in 1988.

Puri said the committee on the admission of new states "should report to the Security Council that the Palestinian application for membership be recommended to the General Assembly."

The Palestinians' membership application "is not incompatible with, nor does it exclude, direct negotiations between the parties to resolve the final status issues," he said.

Addressing the UN General Assembly on September 24, prime minister Manmohan Singh had said, "India is steadfast in its support for the Palestinian people's struggle for a sovereign, independent, viable and united state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, living within secure and recognized borders side by side and at peace with Israel."

"We look forward to welcoming Palestine as an equal member of the United Nations," he said.

The Security Council committee meeting came exactly one week after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made a direct plea at the UN for membership sidestepping peace negotiating efforts that have foundered for nearly two decades.

In order for a state to become a UN member, its application must be recommended by the Security Council and then approved by the General Assembly by a two-thirds vote of its 193 members.

The panel agreed to meet again next week. But analysts say the statehood bid is bound to fail, because the United States has threatened to use its veto power on the Security Council to block it.
