Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What's your choice, as France attacks freedom of expression?

Someone once said:

When you attack a black guy they call you Racist
When you attack Israel they call you an anti-semite
when you attack a homosexual they call it Homophobic
But when you attack Islam and they call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH or EXPRESSION.

Anyways, here's France banning the Hijaab (or, more precisely, the face-veil called the niqaab) and apparently even fine-ing women who wear it. They have a problem with our sisters covering their faces and guarding their modesty.

Meanwhile, not too far away on the same planet: In Ottawa, so-called 'feminists' planned and executed an apparently peaceful demonstration demanding their rights saying "A woman has a right to wear what she wants!."
The only problem was, this demonstration was titled "The Ottawa Slut-walk".

Among some other notable quotes from the women who took part in this demonstration were:

  • “I want to embrace the word ‘slut’ as somebody who is sexually responsible and aware, whether I have one or a hundred partners,” 
  • “To me a slut is someone who can say yes or no — and just because I identify as a slut that doesn’t mean I say yes to everybody."
  • "To me a slut is just somebody who is in charge of their own body and in charge of their own sexuality.”
Apparently they're also planning more Slutty-walks in other parts of the world:  WooHoo! The tag line for this one is "Sluts & Allies unite!"

What's your choice? What would you want your daughters and sisters to be? Someone who guards her modesty, or someone who's walking around flashing a sign that says she desires to live like a slut because she wants to "embrace the word ‘slut’ as somebody who is sexually responsible and aware, whether I have one or a hundred partners,”?

How many more wake up calls do you need? 
Or are you reaching for the Snooze button on this one already?

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