Someone once said:
When you attack a black guy they call you Racist
When you attack Israel they call you an anti-semite
when you attack a homosexual they call it Homophobic
But when you attack Islam and they call it FREEDOM OF SPEECH or EXPRESSION.
Anyways, here's France banning the Hijaab (or, more precisely, the face-veil called the niqaab) and apparently even fine-ing women who wear it. They have a problem with our sisters covering their faces and guarding their modesty.
Meanwhile, not too far away on the same planet: In Ottawa, so-called 'feminists' planned and executed an apparently peaceful demonstration demanding their rights saying "A woman has a right to wear what she wants!."
The only problem was, this demonstration was titled "The Ottawa Slut-walk".
Among some other notable quotes from the women who took part in this demonstration were:
- “I want to embrace the word ‘slut’ as somebody who is sexually responsible and aware, whether I have one or a hundred partners,”
- “To me a slut is someone who can say yes or no — and just because I identify as a slut that doesn’t mean I say yes to everybody."
- "To me a slut is just somebody who is in charge of their own body and in charge of their own sexuality.”
What's your choice? What would you want your daughters and sisters to be? Someone who guards her modesty, or someone who's walking around flashing a sign that says she desires to live like a slut because she wants to "embrace the word ‘slut’ as somebody who is sexually responsible and aware, whether I have one or a hundred partners,”?
How many more wake up calls do you need?
Or are you reaching for the Snooze button on this one already?
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