Friday, January 27, 2012

Murder By Joystick

by Zen Gardner
Does anyone even notice? Does anyone even care anymore? Is the world so callous they can't even see, feel or think? Are western "leaders" so power drunk they've taken to virtually shooting fish in a barrel for fun and profit?
Looks that way to me.
US drone terror bombing of Somalia combined with US instigated invasion by Somalia's neighbors like Kenya and Ethiopia create more death and destruction than the famine.
Seventy-nine more people have been killed in US assassination drone attacks in southern Somalia, bringing the death toll to 146 over the past two days, Press TV reported.

The US military launched terror drone attacks on Bilis Qooqaani town, which is located 448 kilometers (278 miles) southwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu, on Friday. At least 79 people were killed and several others were injured in the strikes. PressTV

What if this was your daughter?

Give Obama Another Piece-of-body Prize

These drone forays are unauthorized, completely uncalled for and totally unprovoked. And wickedly murderous.

Innocent civilian Palestinian children playing in their yards are massacred by Israeli joystick cowards in sanitized hidden military bases in Tel Aviv. 

Unsuspecting Africans are mowed down indiscriminately by futuristic robotic 
death machines managed by moronic military computer geeks looking for a thrill or promotion.

This is sick and there isn't nearly enough outrage about it.

How can the US make these forays into Somalia, Yemen and now Turkey and who knows where else murdering anonymous guilty-by-being-in-line-of-sight humans by remote control? 

Is the world so bullied into "accept it or face the consequences", or have the horrific realities of mechanized war become so distanced from the western psyche that they simply can no longer feel?

A drone's view. What will it think of your activities?

Worse Yet

Does this signal a grand silent imprimatur by the predominance of the world's populace that this "war on terror" has been granted some kind of Orwellian preemptive combat authorization? Smells that way to me.
9/11 "patriotism" has mutated into blood lust. Sick, sick world.

Is There No Saying No Anymore?

Just as the Obama administration singlehandedly authorized the US led waltz into Libya, or Bush swept aside American freedoms following the staged 9/11 attacks, or the banksters are unilaterally bailed out and protected following their global financial heist, so the war "drones" on. And on.
I'm ashamed of the lack of public outcry at these sanitized random murders. Maybe it's the fluoride and chemtrails having their desired effect, I don't know. But there's still no excuse. Anyone with an iota of consciousness should be OUTRAGED at what's going on!

Americans better wake up. This doesn't go unnoticed and unaccounted for in the Universal Grand Scheme of things. What goes around comes around. Big time. 

People will certainly reap what they've allowed and even insanely encouraged their country to sow. And It ain't gonna be pretty.

-Zen Gardner on BeforeItsNews.Com

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Satanic Versus Unexpurgated

The Satanic Versus Unexpurgated by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat


STRICT NOTE: The following book is a response to The Satanic Verses which is one of the worst literature that you can possible choose to read or research. I recommend that you choose a better topic than The Satanic Verses but if you would like to know what Salman Rushdie actually wrote, feel free to read the following book. However, passages from Rushdie’s book are quoted, the language is not appropriate and it’s best if you avoid reading it. I have not read the following in its entirety but I share it only to give a befitting response to people who claim superiority of free speech. InshAllah!

So far ‘Satanic’ Salman has succeeded in causing the death of 40 Muslim men, widowed Muslim women and orphaned Muslim children with his poisoned pen, proving the old saying (if proof was needed) that “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword!”
Despite all my anger, sorrow and bitterness I still lead with my fellow Muslims in travail – “Stop crying “don’t wail! No more protest marches or book burning!” All our visible signs of pain and anguish are giving the enemies of Islam gleeful sadistic pleasures. I say, STOP IT! Turn the Tables.

Let us learn a lesson from the life of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). His detractors came to him again and again with posers and riddles as recorded in the Christian New Testament. His own people, the Jews, came to him, with mockery on their lips and mischief in their hearts, saying “Master, we caught this woman in the act of adultery, what must we do to her? Jesus turned the tables on the Jews. Again, on another occasion, they said, Master, must we pay tribute (taxes) to Caesar or not? Once more again Jesus turned the tables on the Jews in the Temple of Solomon on his triumphant march onto Jerusalem with his disciples, he physically overturned the money changers’ tables and with a corded whip, whipped them out of the Temple.
We shamefully acknowledge that we lack the potency to whip anybody, but every Muslim who reads these words and understands what he is reading can turn the tables on every Westerner who defends Rushdie.

There is no way of cleaning the stable without dirtying your hands. I have seen numerous TV programs debating Rushdie’s ‘Satanic Verses.’ But not one, I repeat again NOT ONE Muslim defender of our Cause grappled with the nettle. One who came nearest was one of our intellectuals who when prodded as to what in Rushdie’s book created such terrible umbrage in the Muslim minds, in Rushdie’s work? He timidly quoted the word “bhaen-chud” from Satanic Salman’s – “The Satanic Verses.”

What did this word “bhaenchud” mean to some 50 million American viewers on ABC or was it PBS TV network ? Absolutely NOTHING!

“Bhaenchud” is only for starters. You have been warned. This publication, the word “UNEXPURGATED” which means that Rushdie’s text in his original “The Satanic Verses” are not tampered with. That nothing is done by me to remove, expunge, erase any obscene or pornographic word or phrase. If you can’t stomach Rushdie’s “shit”* in print. Please tear up this publication and throw it in your toilet pan. In all my lectures on Rushdie, I had warned my audiences in advance that my talks were “Definitely not for Prudes, children, and Bashful Men and Women!

From now on, you can look forward to sharing the “gems” (the shit which Rushdie has excreted) with your Western friends and neighbours. Create opportunities to expound “The Satanic Verses”

*. This is a very mild expression from Rushdie’s Book. See and hear me on Video “IS JESUS GOD?” a debate with Dr. Shorrosh in which I was hard put skirting round and round this word and yet never corning to uttering it: in deference to my audience.

Begin like this-”Admitted that Rusdie has many filthy, dirty, and obscene things to say about Islam and its heroes and heroines: but sir, do you know what he has to say about you, his benefactors and protectors, what thanks he gives you for his up-bringing, cultural and moral deportment, and un-solicited refuge and hospitality?”
On the very first(@)page of “The Satanic Verses,” Rushdie calls his god fathers the British “PROPER LONDON, BHAI!(#) HERE WE COME! THOSE BASTARDS DOWN THERE WON’T KNOW WHAT HIT THEM.”
Bastards! He could have said those sons of bitches. But wait, let Rushdie get warmed up.
The first time I ever uttered the word “bastard” was in the early sixties at a public meeting in the City Hall of Durban, at question time, I happened to quote a verse from the Holy Bible to illustrate a point; I had read:
“The bastard shall not enter the congregation of the Lord; even unto the tenth generation…? Deuteronomy 23:2

(@) The actual first page of Chapter One is numbered 3. Because this Satan has counted Nos. 1 and 2 without enumerating them. ie. No. 1 is a dedication to his living companion in ‘Hell’ (of his own making) with just 2 words FOR MARRLANE” his second spouse, on the whole page and No.2 is a prologue on “SATAN” by Daniel Dcfoc from his book “The History of the Devil,” which astonishinglyenough is Rushdie himself. (Read the reproduction in the book), you can’t help agreeing, how “prophetic” are those words!

(#) “BHAI” What is “bhai”? Satanic Salman has used a dozen exotic Hindi words on the first page alone in his the very first chapter, gleaned from the gutters of Bombay. But wait for what he spews out from the sewers of his birth place. He scatters his obscenities a hundred names without translating them to tantalize his Western dimwits.

This one word – bastard, nearly brought the roof down on me! How could Deedat utter such a word? Remember, I was only quoting!

My audience did not know that this Anglo-Saxon unsavory word bastard was repeated in the “Book of Books” only three times, in nearly 1500 pages. Rushdie does it 29 times in his bid to beat all records for all times in his tome of 500, double spaced, sparsely typed pages. Observe this evil genius constructing a one letter sentence out of it.

“THAT, AND ALSO HER, THE ICEWOMAN. BASTARD. (note: this b-a-s-t-a-r-d is a sentence by itself) NOW THAT I AM DEAD I HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO FORGIVE.” Page 8 of the Devil’s “The Satanic Verses,” in short TSV in all future references.

This Devil incarnate has learnt from his British peers the art of staccato sentences. Now watch him do the impossible with words.

He can introduce THREE “Bastards” in a single short sentence

Salman Rushdie holding a copy of his book The Satanic Verses

Could Viking/Penguin the publishers of this filth have given Rushdie eight hundred thousand dollars ($800 000) as advance money for this? Not likely! They have good (?) business sense. They smelt their “PIECE OF PIG EXCREMENT” (Rushdie’s words page 7 TSV) “ROTTEN COCKROACH DUNG” (page 13 TSV Not smelly enough? Rushdie excretes his shit quite late in his book, in his own words – “THE SHIT STARTS” (page 434 TSV). Please check up! “THIS SHIT, YOU CUNTS,” “IT’S SHIT,” “IT’S FUCKING SHIT,” “SHIT DINNER,” Four “shits” on one page alone 441 TSV, Page 449 “THREW SHIT.” Page 461 “WHITE MAN’S SHIT,” there must be something special in it for this Brown Britisher, because he says – “BLACK SHIT IS BAD,” on page 529 of his bullshit book the TSV.
(*) Rushdie’s own emphasis

Satan, being thus confined to a vagabond, wandering, unsettled condition, is without any certain abode; for though he has, in consequence of his angelic nature, a kind of empire in the liquid waste or air, yet this is certainly part of his punishment, that he is . . . without any fixed place, or space, allowed him to rest the sole of his foot upon. Daniel Defoe, The History of the Devil
All this shit of Rushdie will not satiate Peter Mayer the Director of Penguin and his fellow gluttons. They need something more sticky and stinky to satisfy their depraved tastes. And, Rushdie is their man of the hour. There will never be another to get away with the lampooning of Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Jews. Blacks as well as all Whites! Not even sparing the “Iron Lady,” nor the Queen of Great Britain. If you, the reader have come thus far, you might as well go the whole hog. Finish this book!

Everyone in the West, British and American, giants of the literary world, are not impervious to sacrilege, insults and profanities as contained in “The Satanic Verses.” Roald Dahl, a British author and member of the Literary Guild had some pertinent remarks as reproduced here from “The Daily News” dated March 1st, 1989.

LONDON: Author Roald Dahl has launched an extraordinary attack on fellow writer Salman Rushdie, calling him a “dangerous opportunist”.
In a letter to yesterday’s Times newspaper, the world renowned author of children’s books said: ‘Clearly he has profound knowledge of the Muslim religion and its people, and he must have been totally aware of the deep and violent feelings his book would stir up among devout Muslims “in other words he knew exactly what he was doing and he cannot plead otherwise.”
Dahl said this type of sensationalism did get “indifferent” hooks to the top of the best-seller list “but to my mind it is a cheap way of doing it.
“To my mind, he is a dangerous opportunist.” He later told reporters:
“I think he’s a twit.”

Cynical supporters of Rushdie’s rights of freedom of speech and expression might say that for Dahl it was a question of “sour grapes.” Not having been nominated on the shorter list of the prestigious “Booker Award,” himself.


And what have the dullards on the Rushdie bandwagon to say of the Chief Rabbi of Britain Lord Jakobovits who was the first religious leader in Britain to “DEPRECATE….THE OFFENCE CAUSED” by the book, has reiterated his view that it “SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED.” In a letter to The Times (4th March 1989) the Chief Rabbi also agreed on the need to “PROHIBITING THE PUBLICATION OF ANYTHING LIKELY TO INFLAME, THROUGH OBSCENE DEFAMATION…”

What motives can we attribute to the three above? Nothing other than the Love of God and the Love of Man based on Eternal Truths.
The Holy Quran describes these godly men as – “And among them (the Jews and Christians) are Mu’mins, (meaning Faithful, Sincere People)…”Holy Quran 3:110

But lest we are deluded into complacency, the All-Wise Merciful God reminds us in the concluding phrase of the above verse – “But the majority of them are perverted transgressors.”

How amply are the words proven true, again and again! Are these atheistic and materialistic so called Jews and Christians beyond redemption? No! We are never to despair! There is still much good in them. Learn to talk to them rationally, not emotionally. Give them living examples from their daily lives in their day to day affairs.

Date lined from London, on the 22nd May,1989, was a roaring headline in “The Daily News.”

LONDON: Furious British MPs have called for American actor Mickey Rourke to be banned from Britain. Harry Greenway, Conservative MP for Ealing North, said: “I hope the British Government will never allow this man to set foot on our shores.I am shocked beyond belief.” The MPs were particularly incensed by his use of a four-letter word to describe Mrs Margaret Thatcher’s policies.
Foreign service.

I sympathize with the British in their righteous indignation. Though the English speaking people, both British and American bandy around not only four-letter words, but five and seven letter profane words in their normal cultural and social relationships. Yet they are highly sensitive when the same words are used in connection with their own heroes and heroines.

What grates me most is the rank hypocrisy of the one thousand and one Poets, Playwrights and Pimps; Editors, Essayists and Eunuchs;
Novelists, Newspapermen and Non-Conformists who signed and paid for adverts in the National Newspapers in support of Rushdie’s right to absolute freedom of speech and expression. Yet not a single one of those thousand will raise an eyebrow in defending Rourke’s right to use just a four-letter word even once. Not against Mrs. Thatcher in person but against her economic Policies. Their hypocrisy is unbearable!

What was that “four-letter” word which roused such fury and ire among a people reputed for their calm, placid, sagacity? It is downright silly to beat around the bush. That emotive word is F-U-C-K! Because of this single four- letter word, Lady Chatterly’s Lover was banned in South Africa for twenty years! Even the dullest of the English speaking people conjure up the word fuck, when the expression “four-letter” is used.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses, a very active and most militant evangelistic Christian sect, never use the expression “four-letter word” in any of their literature though a four letter word is the king-pin of their preaching.($) They have invented a fourteen letter word to describe a four-letter word. Imagine!
They ever and anon substitute -”TETRAGRAMATTON” instead of simply the word “four” Rushdie has overcome this typical British aversion by making a “four-letter” word into a seven letter word by simply adding the present participle suffix to the word FUCK by adding I-N-G, making it FUCKING. See how adroitly he made the whole British nation swallow the word FUCKING while Rourke’s “FUCK,” was getting stuck in their throats.
($). Obtain your FREE copy of the book – “What is his name?” from the Center for fuller explanation.

(Rushdie’s “The Satanic Verses” page 270).

It is strange that the British can stomach four “fuckings” in one paragraph from Rushdie but one “fuck” from Rourke infuriates them. Is it because Rushdie is their brother-in- law and son-in-law combined. (Remember! His divorced 1st wife was British) A cursory count will give you 5 FUCKS and 52 FUCKINGS in this what the Western world has called a literary masterpiece! Don’t forget, only 52, just one “FUCKING” for every week of the year!
One can’t help agreeing that “The Satanic Verses” is a masterpiece for fucking-up the English language. He has conjoined his word “FUCKING” with every letter of the alphabet. Here is a quick summary of some of them. Verify the rest at leisure.

A “FUCKING A.”……..245
please forgive me, if it is getting too boring. Here is a little variation
FUCKING COUNTRY………..\ All this from a
FUCKING LIFE………………../ single page 268 TSV
Why you enjoy fucking with this one. p.149
You are fucking my woman p.207
Don’t holy men ever fuck? p.278
God’s own permission to fuck p.386

I have had enough of this “fucking shit” (words borrowed from Satanic Salman) let me end with a last bit “WILD DONKEYS FUCKING WEARILY AND DROPPING DEAD STILL CONJOINED” (page 479 TSV)

Dear reader, if any pervert, dolt or dullard protests that the foregoing quotations are out of context, then obtain the text (Satanic Salman’s Satanic Verses).If you already have it then please buy three high-lighters- red, yellow and green, and go to town in colour coding Rushdie’s shit. RED for all the “fuck” and “fucking” words. YELLOW for all the Hindi exotic words, like “bhaenchud”, “yaar,” “haramzada,” etc. And GREEN for quotable verses I’ll refer you to them later.

Thus armed with a colour-coded “The Satanic Verses,” you can plaster the cynics and mockers of Muslims with Rushdie’s excrement. They ought to relish it, never mind how much they protest. It’s food for the maggots! Like randy hooker – Pamella Bordes; Mother India also gave birth to Salman Rushdie, alias Satanic Salman, also “Saladin Chamcha” or “Spoono” and “Gibreel Farishta” all are one and the same-Rushie of “The Satanic Verses” fame. Nurtured in the Western culture, both Pamella and Salman spurned their faiths. At the tender age of thirteen, Rushdie was thrown into the laps of the West. He studied at Rugby and Cambridge in England and imbibed its culture. He went the whole hog. Listen to his philosophy. page 211 TSV ie. “The Satanic Verses”. He wrote-


It is worth highlighting the above quotation in GREEN. Rushdie is giving here the source of his own inspiration and nourishment. He has imbibed the worst of both worlds! Now see, how he repays his British god-fathers for all their kind and generous hospitality.

He charges his British benefactors as an incestuous people. He calls them “THE SISTER FUCKING BRITISH.” (%) TSV p.80. This is the unkindest cut of them all. He marries Pamela Lovelace according to his story in the TSV. And according to his own philosophy she was destined “FOR FUCKING AND THROWING OVER,”($) which he did by, divorcing her.

Where did he get the information from that the British fuck their own sisters. Perhaps his Pamela may have confided in him, and maybe he betrayed her trust.

(%) All emphasis in this quote, are Rushdie’s own!

My wife has a special liking for Mrs. Margaret Thatcher. She cannot explain. She does not understand her politics. Perhaps it is the clarity of her voice and forceful speeches that attract her to the “Iron Lady”.
Islam forbids the giving of offensive nick-names to anybody . I take it that Iron Lady is not offensive. If it is, my apologies. I owe Mrs. Thatcher nothing. But my wife and I were offended on learning that beside disparaging her successful economic policies with obscenities, (Refer earlier pages ). Now he makes his character to say – “‘I’M TALKING- ABOUT YOU-KNOW-WHO,’ VALANCE EXPLAINED HELPFULLY. ‘TORTURE. MAGGIE THE BITCH.” TSV p.269.

Mickey Rourke (p.8) used only a four letter word for Mrs. Thatcher’s POLICIES and Britain was incensed, but when Rushdie applies a five letter title (B-I-T-C-H), it become Kosher(@) Halaal, Permissable! Strange. Oh British, how did Rushdie bewitch you with b-i-t-c-h?

(%) All emphasis in this quote, are Rushdie’s own!
($) For futher explanation on this phrase see the section under “All ‘white’ women!” title
(@) Kosher: The Jewish term for what they consider to be Halaal or permissible

Rushdie claims that his TSV is only a novel, it is fiction, it is a dream within a dream. Don’t you remember that every movie before its screening, at one time, displayed a notice to wit – “All characters in this film are fictitious and the similarity of any name to persons living or dead are merely coincidental.” Tell that to Mark Thatcher or Carol Thatcher, Mrs. Thatcher’s son and daughter and see what they do to you! Nobody will blame them for any grievous bodily harm. Try! Try!

In the house of Islam, anyone traducing the fair name of any lady, living or dead, will be required to produce four “EYE WITNESSES” to the alleged indiscretion to qualify as a “bitch,” and if under cross-examination one of them fails, all the four witnesses will receive 80 lashes each. Cruel! Barbaric! You say. You would not say that if your mother’s integrity was involved. I bet! If Rushdie himself was an eye witness to his wife’s adultery, he may divorce her on that ground but he would not be allowed to have her arrayed before an Islamic Court without three other impeccable eye witnesses to corroborate his charge, failing which he too will receive eighty lashes.

The Western world has developed an art of glamorizing filth and sin. IMMORALITY is now termed “new morality!” A BASTARD is now called a “love-child!” and a BITCH which normally meant a female dog; when applied to a woman it implied that she was like the bitch in season (rut) – given up to uninhibited sexual abandon, free to all comers. This word is derogatory no more if you apply a superlative to it i.e. simply add the adjective “super” make it “SUPERBITCH!”

It is defamatory and libelous to call a woman a bitch, but not if you call her a “super bitch.”
My country South Africa is an industrial giant. It produces 50% of the total electricity of the African continent. 60% of Africa’s total industrial output. It is like a part of the United States in Africa. At the moment it is out to outshine Hollywood. She is on the verge of completing a soap opera for TV called “WHIRLPOOL” to compete with Dynasty and Dallas and later export it to America. Our leading lady for Whirlpool is Jana Cilliers our own. She is being advertised as “SUPERBITCH” “The Daily News” dated March 17, 1989.
Would the British people be happier if another upstart changed Rushdie’s “MAGGIE THE BITCH” to “Maggie the Superbitch!”??

I was born British. I still cherish a British passport over 60 years old. I don’t know what’s its worth. English has become my mother tongue. I dream in English and I also swear in English. I have visited Britain a dozen times. More than once I was tempted to visit the Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London, enjoying the many passionate and vehement harangues. It’s free for all. One is allowed to curse, abuse and swear anybody and everybody. The law of libel and defamation does not apply in this haven of free speech and un-bridled expressions. Yet I am told that Her Majesty the Queen of England is above any abuse or tirade. She is sacrosanct! Not only in Hyde Park but throughout Britain either by word of mouth or through the media, “Thou shalt not denigrate the queen”.

A retired employee at Buckingham Palace wrote a book entitled “Officially Speaking.” About the goings on in the Royal precincts. About drunken orgies and sexual frolics among the Royalty. The publication of this piece of Royal gossip has rightly been suppressed by Mrs. Thatcher’s government.
Amazing England! Rushdie prevails where a blue blooded Englishman fails. Thanks to Maggie and her British votaries of free speech.

“Chamcha (another name of Rushdie in the TSV) he found himself dreaming of the Queen. of MAKING TENDER LOVE to the MONARCH. She was the body of Britain, the avatar of the State, and he had chosen her, JOINED WITH HER; she was his Beloved, the moon of his delight” (page 169 of TSV)(1) . What is Rushdie telling his readers, if not that he fucked her Majesty. “Joined with her,” above compare with his expression “STILL CONJOINED,” on page 12.
I expect some British blockhead of the literary world to cry – “Oh! Rushdie only fucked our Queen in his dream.” It is all fiction! After all, we can’t hold a man accountable for his dreams. That is true, but “O pervert!” Rushdie was not dreaming when he penned those words!
(1). Mark this quotation with a green marker and memorize it.

Lest the commoner say that “Rushdie only lampoons the high and mighty like the Prime Minister of Britain – Maggie and the Monarch of Britain – The Queen!” Let me remind them that he has not forgotten you the plebeian – the ordinary Whites in the country. Nay, he honours all whites, wheresoever they abide.

This choicest piece of racism should also be highlighted with a glowing green pen and memorized.

In Rushdie’s perverted mind, the fate of every “white women” was for fucking and throwing over. The only qualification required by Rushdie is that they be “WHITE” It does not matter their Shape or size. Whether with a hooked Jewish nose or an Anglo-Saxon angular nose. Whether you can recognize their nationality or not. Whether they be English, or Irish; Scottish or Welsh; German or French;

American or Canadian – provided they are white! “THEY ARE ONLY GOOD FOR DISCARDING AFTER FUCKING” Says Rushdie!

The Satanic Verses were being read in Britain and America. One Susan Sontag of the Literary Guild among others read this religious regularity in New York to her doting audiences, both, black and white, young and old.
Some Afro-American (^) youths imbibed the message. “WHITE WOMEN ARE FOR FUCKING AND THROWING OVER!” For after all, what is reading if not brain-washing. We are what we eat and we are what we read!
Dr. Vernon Jones, an American psychologist of great repute carried out experiments on groups of school children to whom certain stories were being read, and at the end of his experiments he concluded – “That these stories made certain slight but permanent changes in character, even in the narrow class-room situation.”
(^) Rushdie call them “Niggers”! see page 461 TSV “Nigger eat white man’s shit.” And on page 449 “Niggerjimmy” and “mushroom.”

Susan Sontag, a white woman, relished her reading of “The Satanic Verses.” so did her admirers. One young listener was inspired! He was waiting for an opportunity to put Rushdie’s idea into action.

It didn’t take long. Soon afterwards with five others – the gang of six – one Muslim and five Christians were prowling at night in Central Park, New York, looking for adventure. They saw a “WHITE WOMAN” jogging. She triggered their imagination! They went a “W-I-L-D-I-N-G”(*) as the “Times” magazine, of 8th May, 1989, reports. They bashed the poor woman into unconsciousness, and fell on their prey like a pack of wolves. -

They gang raped her one by one in turn which no wild beast ever does. The blood and the sweat and the gore titillated their libido!
That poor jogger was an innocent victim. It should have been Susan Sontag, or Marriane Wiggins (Rusdie’s 2nd wife) who says that if she was not Rushdie’s wife then she too would have read “The Satanic Verses,” to her clientele, in public from city to city.
(^) Rushdie call them “Niggers”! see page 461 TSV “Nigger eat white man’s shit.” And on page 449 “Niggerjimmy” and “mushroom.”
(*) WILDING: A new word meaning, went berserk sexually Like a pack of wolves scenting blood!

If I was a sadistic racist, I would have liked to have “The best of Rushdie” read in Harlem, New York; and in every ghetto in America and in Notting Hill in the U.K. and among all the blacks of the world, in Africa and in Asia and in Eskimo land. Let the non-Whites of the world know that according to Rushdie’s new Bible – “WHITE WOMEN – NEVERMIND FAT, JEWISH, or NON-DEFERENTIAL WHITE WOMEN – WERE FOR FUCKING AND THROWING OVER”!

You Peter Mayer! Director of Viking/Penguin, you son of a bitch, you gave Rushdie $800, 000-00 Dollars as advance money for this filth.

All those whites – Poets and Playrights, Essaysts and Editors, Novelists and Newsmen who are in support of Rushdie’s smut, let them read the above quotation from the shit of Rushdie to their mothers, to their sisters, to their wives and daughters. Make their mouths water, that Rushdie wants them to be fucked by black people and thrown away. Rushdie has already set the example, he has FUCKED AND THROWN AWAY (one British girl, his 1st wife) and perhaps before you get this into your hands, he would have done the same to another (American girl -Marriane Wiggins) also FUCKED AND THROWN AWAY!

I am asking all those sons-of-bitches who rushed to Rushdie’s support without really reading his TSV, the real reason for their unqualified support. Did they not come across these “tasty eats”?
(#). Bhanchud: Means “sister-fucking” in the gutter lingo of Bombay. Rushdie wisely questions on page 441 TSV “How are you supposed to understand a man who writes a made-up lingo of his own”?

There is no end to Rushdie’s shit. He has 547 pages full of it. Though he has some brilliant things to say at times. He equates himself, and all the writers, authors, novelists etc. With hookers and harlots, prostitutes and pimps. He makes one of his characters to utter :

Before I end this most agonizing little essay, I had ever written. I must thank Rajiv Gandhi for being about the first (?) country in the world to ban “The Satanic Verses.” Stop attributing motives to people! My own country the Republic of South Africa was in the forefront on banning the book, as well as debarring Rushdie from entering the country. This was in early October 1988! Long before many a Muslim nation!

I congratulate the Prime Minister of India for his sagacious move. The devilish book would not only have wounded his Muslim subjects in India but it would have also seared his Hindu co-religionists as well. The devil Rushdie has spared no one.

Nobody has yet drawn the attention of Rushdie’s Hindu admirers as to what he has to say about the gods and goddesses of their faith.

Rama the 7th incarnation of god, according to the Hindu religion, venerated and worshipped by hundreds of millions of Hindus in India, is character assassinated as a lecher, one given to excessive sexual cravings and debauchery, and the demon-king is portrayed here as a righteous man. And Sita is painted as a flirt. This is typical of Rushdie. He turns gods into devils and devils into saints! And the Swiney confesses that the likes of him “WILL BE BROKEN TO BITS!” – “GUY SEEMS HELL-BENT ON A SUICIDE COURSE.” TSV page 538. He has uttered here words of wisdom, but alas, he has learnt nothing from them himself.

Mired in misery, may all his filthy lucre choke in his throat and may he die a cowards death, a hundred times a day, and eventually when death catches up with him, may he simmer in hell for all eternity!
(@) FLIGHTY: Does not mean “full of flight,” as one running away from illicit sexual advances, but as one who is sexually frivolous and irresponsible. Easily excited, easily aroused sexually.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Sources of Fluoride You'd Never Suspect!

"Dental and Public health administrators should be aware of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing any additional fluoride programme for caries prevention." - World Health Organization. (1994). Fluorides and Oral Health. WHO Technical Report Series 846.

I. Current Sources of Fluoride 
Note: To find out how much fluoride is in the following products, click here.
For data on how much fluoride children ingest from toothpaste, click here .
"Virtually all authors have noted that some children could ingest more fluoride from dentrifice alone than is recommended as a total daily fluoride ingestion." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
For data on the water fluoridation status of each state in the US, click here
"Since [the 1940s], the percent of individuals consuming fluoridated water (in the US) has steadily increased. The increase in percentage of communities with fluoridated water has resulted in an increase in the mean content of fluoride not only in soft drinks and fruit juices, but in canned goods (notably soups), leading to increased intake of fluoride by individuals in communities with nonfluoridated water." - Fomon SJ, Ekstrand J, Ziegler EE. (2000). Fluoride intake and prevalence of dental fluorosis: trends in fluoride intake with special attention to infants. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 60(3):131-9.
"Because the main component of most beverages is water, the fluoride content of these products closely parallels the fluoride content of water used in their processing." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"We cannot... ignore water fluoridation as a major source of ingested fluoride." - Heller KE, et al (1997). Dental Caries and Dental Fluorosis at Varying Water Fluoride Concentrations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 57: 136-143.
For further information on fluoride exposure from infant formula, click here
"[I]nfant formulas reconstituted with higher fluoride water can provide 100 to 200 times more fluoride than breastmilk, or cows milk." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"Our analysis shows that babies who are exclusively formula fed face the highest risk; in Boston, for example, more than 60 percent of the exclusively formula fed babies exceed the safe dose of fluoride on any given day." - Environmental Working Group, "EWG Analysis of Government Data Finds Babies Over-Exposed to Fluoride in Most Major U.S. Cities", March 22, 2006.
"[M]ore than 50 percent of infants are currently formula fed by 1 month of age, and these infants are likely to be continuously exposed to high intakes of fluoride for 9 or 10 months - a circumstance quite rare in the 1960s and early 1970s." - Fomon SJ, Ekstrand J. (1999). Fluoride intake by infants. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59(4):229-34.
"Fluoride is now introduced at a much earlier stage of human development than ever before and consequently alters the normal fluoride-pharmacokinetics in infants. But can one dramatically increase the normal fluoride-intake to infants and get away with it?" - Luke J. (1997). The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Surrey, Guildford. p. 176.
"Parents should therefore be advised that they may be able to protect their children from dental fluorosis by breastfeeding their infant and by extending the duration for which they breastfeed. When infants are formula-fed, parents should be advised to reconstitute or dilute infant formula with deionized water (reverse osmosis, distilled, or low-fluoride bottled water) in order to reduce the amount of systemically ingested fluoride." - Brothwell D, Limeback H. (2003). Breastfeeding is protective against dental fluorosis in a nonfluoridated rural area of Ontario, Canada. Journal of Human Lactation 19: 386-90.
“Breastfeeding of infants should be encouraged, both for the many documented, general health benefits and the relative protection against ingestion of excessive fluoride from high quantities of intake of fluoridated water used to reconstitute concentrated infant formula early in infancy.” - Levy SL, et al. (1995). Sources of fluoride intake in children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 55: 39-52.
"[F]ood processing often concentrates fluoride, and foods processed with fluoridated water typically have higher fluoride concentrations than foods processed with non-fluoridated water... A study that found marked differences between cereaals processed in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas showed that cereals processed in a fluoridated area had fluoride concentrations ranging from 3.8 ppm to 6.3 ppm..." - Warren JJ, Levy SM. (2003). Current and future role of fluoride in nutrition. Dental Clinics of North America 47: 225-43.
"[D]uring manufacturing, infant dry cereals are processed in a slurry and placed in a revolving drying drum. The water from the slurry evaporates, and the fluoride from the water remains in the cereal. Thus, the fluoride concentration of the water used during processing can substantially affect the final fluoride concentration... Infants who eat large quantities of dry infant cereals reconstituted with fluoridated water could ingest substantial quantities of fluoride from this source." - Heilman JR, et al. (1997). Fluoride concentrations of infant foods. Journal of the American Dental Association 128(7):857-63.

For published data on fluoride levels in juice, click here
"Our data suggest that young children who regularly or frequently drink substantial quantities of [juice] possibly should not receive dietary fluoride supplements, since they might be at increased risk of developing dental fluorosis." - Kiritsy MC, et al. (1996). Assessing fluoride concentrations of juices and juice-flavored drinks. Journal of the American Dental Association 127(7):895-902.
"Seventy-one percent of the [sodas] had fluoride levels exceeding 0.60 ppm, which is considered to contain sufficient fluoride so that dietary fluoride supplements are contraindicated."- Heilman JR, et al. (1999). Assessing fluoride levels of carbonated soft drinks. Journal of the American Dental Association 130(11):1593-9.
"Schulz (1976) found that nearly all soft drinks then manufactured in optimally fluoridated Baltimore (1.10 ppm) had fluoride concentrations of 0.8 ppm or greater. Shannon (1977) tested soft drinks manufactured in Houston, Texas... He found that fluoride concentrations... closely matched the fluoride concentrations of the bottling plants' water supplies. This conclusion was also reached in other studies, including the authors' published and unpublished analyses of fluoride concentrations in 332 soft drink products." - Warren JJ, Levy SM. (1999). Systemic fluoride: Sources, amounts, and effects of ingestion. Dental Clinics of North America 43: 695-711.


For USDA data on fluoride levels in US tea, click here (pdf file).
"Appropriate regulation of the fluoride content of tea commodities should be an urgent matter for public food safety policy." - Cao J, et al. (2004). Fluoride in newer tea commodities. Fluoride 37: 286-300.
"Instant tea, one of the most popular drinks in the United States, may be a source of harmful levels of fluoride... The researchers found that some regular strength preparations contain as much as 6.5 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride, well over the 4 ppm maximum allowed in drinking water by the Environmental Protection Agency." - 'Potentially harmful fluoride levels found in some instant tea'', Washington University School of Medicine, January 25, 2005.
"Another important source of fluoride ingestion is tea...[T]he fluoride content of tea has been found to range from 0.1 to 4.2 ppm fluoride, with an average of about 3 ppm." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"[M]ost of the iced teas studied contained considerable fluoride concentrations. If infants ingest larger amounts of them because of their sweet taste, there is a risk of uncontrolled overdosing as a result of additional fluoride intake from other sources at the same time. " - Behrendt A, Oberste V, Wetzel WE. (2002). Fluoride concentration and pH of iced tea products. Caries Research 36(6): 405-410.
"The average fluoride concentration of infusions prepared from decaffeinated (green & black) tea in this study is 3.19 ppm and ranged from 1.01 to 5.20. This is unexpectedly higher than caffeinated tea and such a difference is statistically significant. If decaffeinated tea were prepared with optimally fluoridated water, the fluoride content would be increased by 1 ppm and would reach an average of 4.19 ppm." - Chan JT, Koh SH. (1996). Fluoride content in caffeinated, decaffeinated and herbal teas. Caries Research 30:88-92.
For USDA data on fluoride levels in Californian wines, click here.
"[A]nalyses of nineteen California wines revealed fluoride concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 2.80 ppm (mean 1.02 ppm, with seven samples above the international limit of 1 ppm)." - Burgstahler AW, et al. (1997). Fluoride in California wines and raisins. Fluoride 30: 142-146.
"Researchers from California State University in Fresno conducted a 5 year study (1990-1994) on vineyards throughout the San Joaquin Valley. They found that '[m]ultiple applications of Cryolite during the growing season significantly increase fluoride in wines.' Notably they found fluoride levels between 3 - 6 ppm in Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin Blanc, Thompson Seedless, Barbera, Muscat Candi, Ruby Cabernet; and levels between 6 - <9 ppm in French Colombard and Zinfandel... At 6 ppm one glass of wine (175 ml) would have delivered as much fluoride as about a liter of optimally fluoridated water!" - Connett E, Connett P. (2001). Fluoride: The Hidden Poison in the National Organic Standards. Pesticides and You 21: 18-22.
"Beers brewed in locations with high fluoride water levels may contribute significantly to the daily fluoride intake, particularly in alcohol misusing subjects and this may contribute to alcohol-associated bone disease." - Warnakulasuriya S, et al. (2002). Fluoride content of alcoholic beverages. Clinica Chimica Acta 320: 1-4.
"Soda pop and beer bottled with fluoridated water contain 0.7 to 1 ppm fluoride; consumption of these beverages is almost certainly more variable among individuals than consumption of water... If beer contains 0.7 ppm fluoride, heavy beer-drinkers may ingest more than 4 mg daily from beer alone." - Groth, E. (1973), Two Issues of Science and Public Policy: Air Pollution Control in the San Francisco Bay Area, and Fluoridation of Community Water Supplies. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, May 1973.
"[F]oods made with mechanically separated chicken have the potential to be a major contributor to total fluoride intake... Fluoride contributed by foods made with mechanically separated chicken could increase the risk of mild dental fluorosis for children less than eight years of age when combined with other sources of fluoride exposure." - Fein NJ, Cerklewski FL. (2001). Fluoride content of foods made with mechanically separated chicken. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry 49(9):4284-6.
"[W]e found that infant foods containing chicken were high in fluoride. Thus, any infants who regularly eat more than a couple of ounces of infant foods containing high-fluoride-content chicken would be at elevated fluorosis risk." - Heilman JR, et al. (1997). Fluoride concentrations of infant foods. Journal of the American Dental Association 128(7):857-63.
"Food categories with the highest mean fluoride levels were fish [2.118 ppm], beverages [1.148 ppm], and soups [0.606 ppm]. Individual samples with the highest fluoride levels were tea [4.97 ppm], canned fish [4.57 ppm], shellfish [3.36 ppm], cooked veal [1.23 ppm], and cooked wheat cereal [1.02 ppm]." - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (2001). Toxicological Profile for Fluorides: Draft Profile for Public Comment. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Public Health Service.
"Teflon-lined cookware may contribute to the fluoride ingested by humans. Full and Parkins boiled fluoridated water at a moderate rate until a one-third or one-half reduction in volume was attained, then determined the fluoride content of the residual water... In Teflon-coated ware, the concentration of fluoride ion increased to nearly 3 ppm. This result requires confirmation; but, if it is correct, then the release of fluoride into foods during cooking in plastic-coated wares requires investigation." - Marier J, Rose D. (1977). Environmental Fluoride. National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committe on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. NRCC No. 16081.
The use of fluoridated salt is becoming increasingly widespread across the globe. While the US & Canada do not yet have salt fluoridation programs, it is currently estimated that more people in the world are exposed to fluoridated salt than fluoridated water. Thus, this source of fluoride exposure is becoming increasingly important and insidious. Fluoridated salt usually contains about 250 ppm fluoride, which would result in a daily intake of 2.5 mg of fluoride per day for people consuming 10 grams of salt. Countries with extensive salt fluoridation programs include: Austria, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Switzerland, and Venezuela. To learn more, click here

ANAESTHETICS (Enflurane, Isoflurane & Sevoflurane)
"In the 1960s, the widespread use of the inhalational anaesthetic methoxyflurane was associated with a significant occurrence of postoperative renal dysfunction. This was attributed to hepatic biotransformation of methoxyflurane and subsequent release of inorganic fluoride ions into the circulation. Based upon the clinical experience with methoxyflurane, serum fluoride concentrations exceeding 50 mumol/l were considered to be nephrotoxic... Enflurane and even isoflurane may, when used during prolonged operations, also yield anorganic fluoride levels in excess of 50 mumol/l. " - Nuscheler M, et al. (1996). [Fluoride-induced nephrotoxicity: fact or fiction?]. Anaesthesist 45 Suppl 1:S32-40.
"Sevoflurane administration can result in increased serum inorganic fluoride ion concentrations, which have been associated with inhibition of renal concentrating ability." - Goldberg ME, et al. (1996). Sevoflurane versus isoflurane for maintenance of anesthesia: are serum inorganic fluoride ion concentrations of concern? Anesthesia and Analgesia 82(6):1268-72.
"[T]here were significant increases in the serum fluoride in group I (isoflurane) at 5, 10, 24 and 48 hours. The peak serum fluoride was 35.4 (8.5) µmol/L at 10 hours. Group S (sevoflurane) also showed similar significant increases in the serum fluoride concentration compared to baseline at all times of the study. The peak serum fluoride in the group S was 71.2 (19.3) µmol/L at 24 hours... After prolonged anaesthesia, metabolism of sevoflurane to inorganic fluoride is of a greater magnitude than that of isoflurane and exceeds the nephrotoxic threshold." - Abdel-Latif, MM, et al. (2003). Serum fluoride ion and renal function after prolonged sevoflurane or isoflurane anaesthesia. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia 19: 79-83.
"Cigarettes may be another significant source of fluoride intake by humans." - Marier J, Rose D. (1977). Environmental Fluoride. National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committe on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. NRCC No. 16081.

II. Increase in fluoride exposure 
"Fluoride is a persistent bioaccumulator, and is entering into human food-and-beverage chains in increasing amounts." - Marier J, Rose D. (1977). Environmental Fluoride. National Research Council of Canada. Associate Committe on Scientific Criteria for Environmental Quality. NRCC No. 16081.
"Based on this review, we conclude that fluoride intakes of infants and children have shown a rather steady increase since 1930, are likely to continue to increase, and will be associated with further increase in the prevalence of enamel fluorosis unless intervention measures are instituted." - Fomon SJ, Ekstrand J, Ziegler EE. (2000). Fluoride intake and prevalence of dental fluorosis: trends in fluoride intake with special attention to infants. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 60(3):131-9.
"[T]he prevalence of dental fluorosis in the United States has increased during the last 30 years, both in communities with fluoridated water and in communities with nonfluoridated water." - Fomon SJ, Ekstrand J, Ziegler EE. (2000). Fluoride intake and prevalence of dental fluorosis: trends in fluoride intake with special attention to infants. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 60(3):131-9.
"The increase in [dental fluorosis] suggests that the total systemic fluoride exposure for children during dental development has changed since the 1940s." - Pang D, et al. (1992). Fluoride intake from beverage consumption in a sample of North Carolina children. Journal of Dental Research 71: 1382-1388.
"[A] few cases of more severe fluorosis can be found now in some communities. Because the prevalence of fluorosis is now higher than 50 years ago, we can conclude that fluoride availability... has increased in North American children." - Rozier RG. (1999). The prevalence and severity of enamel fluorosis in North American children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59(4):239-46.

III. Current dental fluorosis prevalence 
"The majority of children in this research study drank water witih the optimal fluoride level (0.7-1.2 ppm) and overall 34.5% had definitive fluorosis on at least two teeth. This result is generally consistent with most contemporary prevalence studies of fluorosis in North America." - Levy SM, Hong L, Warren JJ, Broffitt B. (2006). .Use of the fluorosis risk index in a cohort study: the Iowa fluoride study. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 66(2):92-6.
"Current studies support the view that dental fluorosis has increased in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. North American studies suggest rates of 20 to 75% in the former and 12 to 45% in the latter." - Locker, D. (1999). Benefits and Risks of Water Fluoridation. An Update of the 1996 Federal-Provincial Sub-committee Report. Prepared for Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.
"[S]everal reports of prevalence for mostly mild fluorosis are in the 20 percent to 80 percent range." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.

IV. Adding poison to the wound: EPA's fluoride pesticide tolerances
Despite repeated warnings that humans, particularly children, are currently receiving too much fluoride from their diets (see section V), fluoride pesticides continue to be added to the food supply under extremely lax regulations from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Currently, the main fluoride pesticide used in the US is cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride). The EPA currently allows up to 7 ppm of fluoride on over 30 fruits and vegetables treated with cryolite. This 7 ppm fluoride tolerance applies to: apricots, beets, blackberries, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, citrus fruits, collards, cranberries, cucumbers, eggplants, grapes, kale, lettuce, melons, nectarines, peaches, peppers, plums, pumpkins, radishes, raspberries, squash, strawberries, tomatoes and turnip.
A 2 ppm standard has also been established for potatoes, which are second to grapes for total cryolite usage.
The EPA's standard of 7 ppm for fluoride residues is over 5 times greater than the standard set by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1933. In 1933, the USDA established the maximum level for fluoride residues on fruits and vegetables at 1.2 ppm, which was the same standard the USDA established for arsenic. While arsenic pesticides have since been phased out of use in the US, fluoride pesticides remain.
In fact, the current tolerance levels for fluoride pesticides could become even higher - if the US EPA, under intense pressure from DOW Chemical, approves sulfuryl fluoride as a replacement fumigant for methyl bromide.
If EPA approves sulfuryl fluoride (an indoor fumigant that has never before been used on food) as the replacement for methyl bromide, there will be a substantial increase in the fluoride contamination of the food supply.
In a recent petition (February 15, 2002) to the EPA, DOW Chemical asked for extremely high fluoride tolerances on a wide number of common foods, including, 98 ppm for wheat germ, 40 ppm for wheat bran, 31 ppm for rice bran, 30 ppm for a variety of nuts, 28 ppm for corn meal, 26 ppm for corn flour, 25 ppm for millet grain, 25 ppm for wild rice grain, 25 ppm for sorghum grain, 25 ppm for wheat grain, and 17 ppm for oat grain!

V. Warnings & recommendations (from dental community)
Minimize Ingested Fluoride
"'In consideration of the currently understood mechanisms of cariostasis and fluorosis, our efforts should be focused on minimizing levels of ingested fluorides. The control of fluoride levels in infant formulas, the recent reductions in the fluoride supplement schedule, and the calls for lower fluoride pediatric toothpastes are all laudable efforts. We cannot, however, ignore water fluoridation as a major source of ingested fluoride." - Heller KE, et al (1997). Dental Caries and Dental Fluorosis at Varying Water Fluoride Concentrations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 57: 136-143.
Do Not Use Fluoridated Water to Reconstitute Infant Formula
“When infants are formula-fed, parents should be advised to reconstitute or dilute infant formula with deionized water (reverse osmosis, distilled, or low-fluoride bottledwater) in order to reduce the amount of systemically ingested fluoride.” - Brothwell D, Limeback H. (2003). Breastfeeding is protective against dental fluorosis in a nonfluoridated rural area of Ontario, Canada. Journal of Human Lactation 19: 386-90.
“[W]e recommend use of water with relatively low fluoride content (e.g. 0 to 0.3 ppm) as a diluent for infant formulas and recommend that no fluoride supplements be given to infants.” - Fomon SJ, Ekstrand J, Ziegler EE. (2000). Fluoride intake and prevalence of dental fluorosis: trends in fluoride intake with special attention to infants. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 60: 131-9.
“Breastfeeding of infants should be encouraged, both for the many documented, general health benefits and the relative protection against ingestion of excessive fluoride from high quantities of intake of fluoridated water used to reconstitute concentrated infant formula early in infancy.” - Levy SL, et al. (1995). Sources of fluoride intake in children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 55: 39-52.
“Use of powder concentrate would be recommended only for those with low-fluoride water.” - Levy SL, et al. (1995). Sources of fluoride intake in children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 55: 39-52.
"to limit fluoride intakes to amounts <0.1 mg/kg/day, it is necessary to avoid use fo fluoridated water (around 1 ppm) to dilute powdered infant formulas." - Buzalaf MA, et al. (2001). Fluoride content of infant formulas prepared with deionized, bottled mineral and fluoridated drinking water. ASDC Journal of Dentistry for Children 68(1):37-41, 10.
“Our results suggest that the fluoride contribution of water used to reconstitute formulas increases risk of fluorosis and could be an area for intervention... Supporting long-term lactation could be an important strategy to decrease fluorosis risk of primary teeth and early developing permanent teeth.” - Marshall TA, et al. (2004). Associations between Intakes of Fluoride from Beverages during Infancy and Dental Fluorosis of Primary Teeth. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 23:108-16.
“The recommendation is that bottled or deionized water be used instead (of fluoridated water) to dilute the formula." - Ekstrand J. (1989). Fluoride intake in early infancy. Journal of Nutrition 119(Suppl 12):1856-60.
Ingestion of Fluoride from Toothpaste should be Reduced
"To reduce the risk of fluorosis, it has been suggested that use of higher concentration of fluoride dentrifices by preschool children be avoided, that only small quantities of paste be used under parental direction and supervision, that further development and testing of lower concentration fluoride dentrifices be encouraged, and that dentrifice tubes dispense smaller quantities so that inappropriate eating of fluoride dentrifice is avoided." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately." - FDA Mandated Warning on Fluoride Toothpaste Labels Sold in U.S.
Uniform Dosages Should be Reconsidered
"[W]e recommend that uniform dosages of fluoride supplementation should be reconsidered... The FDA should examine the testing and labeling of [juices and sodas] with respect to fluoride concentration so that practictioners and consumers can make an informed choice. Thorough washing of grapes should occur to eliminate any insecticide contamination of the juice. Manufacturers and bottlers should identify sources of fluoride within their products, and when necessary reduce fluoride levels to age-appropriate levels, as recommended by the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists." - Stannard JG, et al. (1991). Fluoride levels and fluoride contamination of fruit juices. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 16(1):38-40.
Some Children Receive More Fluoride Than 'Optimum' from just One Source of Exposure
"[I]n most reports, a smaller proportion of children, often 10 percent to 20 percent of the study population, received several times as much exposure as the mean. Because of this finding, most authors commented that some children in their studies probably ingested sufficient quantities of fluoride from only the single source or category being studied to exceed the 'optimal' fluoride intake and be at increased risks of dental fluorosis." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"Virtually all authors have noted that some children could ingest more fluoride from dentrifice alone than is recommended as a total daily fluoride ingestion." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
Greater Attention Needs to be Paid to Total Fluoride Exposure
"When considering fluoride recommendations on a group basis, all major sources of fluoride ingestion, such as diet, dentrifice, and fluoride supplements, must be considered so that total daily intake of fluoride can be estimated. To this end, efforts should be renewed to determine and regularly monitor the fluoride levels of beverages and foods and have their fluoride levels made available to the profession and the public. If necessary, fluoride levels of infant formulas and other products should be modified. In addition, attempts must be made to avoid excessive ingestion of fluoride dentrifice and further investigate the cariostatic effect of lower fluoride concentration dentrifices." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"The amount of infant foods containing chicken consumed should be considered when assessing the total fluoride intake, as it could contribute a substantial amount of fluoride. Children who regularly consume quantities of infant foods containing chicken should also be monitored to make sure that they do not ingest too much fluoride from other sources such as fluoride dentrifice, dietary fluoride supplements or fluoridated water." - Heilman JR, et al. (1997). Fluoride concentrations of infant foods. Journal of the American Dental Association 128(7):857-63.
"[W]e recommend that dentists who are considering prescribing dietary fluoride supplements for those with nonfluoridated water inquire about young children's fluoride exposure from all important sources, including dentrifice, infant formula (type, brand, and quantity), water (sources, quantities and filtration system) and beverages (including specific juices and juice-flavored drinks)." - Kiritsy MC, et al. (1996). Assessing fluoride concentrations of juices and juice-flavored drinks. Journal of the American Dental Association 127(7):895-902.
VI. Current fluoridation policy outdated 
"The early recommendations concerning 'optimal levels' of fluoride in water have not been reviewed since [water fluoridation began], despite developments which could drastically alter the underlying assumption that fluoride intake from sources other than drinking water is relatively low. For example, as fluoridation has become widespread, more and more food processing plants have used fluoridated water, with generally unknown effects on the fluoride content of processed foods. Also, dehydrated and reconstituted food products, virtually unknown to consumers in the 1940s when most of the fluoride surveys were done, are today commonplace. As a result, although orange juice and potatoes are inherently poor sources of fluoride, this is no longer so if they have been concentrated and reconstituted with fluoridated water." - Prival M, Fisher F. (1974). Adding Fluorides to the Diet. Environment 16(5): 29-33.
"Current standards for water fluoridation in the United States have stood since 1962. Many things have changed since then, however, and these data suggest that perhaps it is time to reconsider these standards." - Heller KE, et al (1997). Dental Caries and Dental Fluorosis at Varying Water Fluoride Concentrations. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 57: 136-143.
VII. Complexities with prescribing fluoride in today's environment
"[P]recisely estimating total fluoride intake is quite difficult in research studies and clearly not feasible in clinical practices." - Kiritsy MC, et al. (1996). Assessing fluoride concentrations of juices and juice-flavored drinks. Journal of the American Dental Association 127(7):895-902.
"If fluoride supplements are to be used, then accurate information on not only fluoride content of the residential water source, but on background levels of fluoride intake from food and beverages, type of feeding, kind of water used in reconstituting foods and beverages, use of beverages versus water at home or at child care, the possibility of a diffusion effect, and the use and ingestion of dentrifice and even mouthrinses and gels may need to be considered in making recommendations for appropriate dosages of fluoride supplements in children. These complex sets of data are difficult to obtain even on a research basis, much less in daily dental and medical practice." - Levy SM, Guha-Chowdhury N. (1999). Total fluoride intake and implications for dietary fluoride supplementation. Journal of Public Health Dentistry 59: 211-23.
"With no fluoride levels marked on the soft drink products or easily available from the manufacturers, it is not possible for clinicians or consumers to directly estimate fluoride ingestion from carbonated beverages. Therefore, to reduce the risk of dental fluorosis, dental and medical practitioners should be cautious about prescribing dietary fluoride supplements to preschool-aged children in nonfluoridated areas who consume large quantities of carbonated soft drinks." - Heilman JR, et al. (1999). Assessing fluoride levels of carbonated soft drinks. Journal of the American Dental Association 130(11):1593-9.

The Extremely Dangerous Effects of Flouride!

“Over the past ten years a large body of peer-reviewed science has raised concerns that fluoride may present unreasonable health risks, particularly among children, at levels routinely added to tap water in American cities.”

"In summary, we hold that fluoridation is an unreasonable risk."
“Carefully conducted studies of exposure to fluoride and emerging health parameters of interest (e.g., endocrine effects and brain function) should be performed in populations in the United States exposed to various concentrations of fluoride.”
"I am quite convinced that water fluoridation, in a not-too-distant future, will be consigned to medical history."
Dr. ARVID CARLSSON, Pharmacologist, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, 2000.
Fluoride, the active ingredient in many pesticides and rodenticides, is a powerful poison - more acutely poisonous than lead. Because of this, accidental over-ingestion of fluoride can cause serious toxic symptoms.
Each year there are thousands of reports to Poison Control centers in the United States related to excessive ingestion of fluoride toothpastes, mouthrinses, and supplements.
Water fluoridation accidents, resulting in excess levels of fluoride in water, have been one of the sources of acute fluoride poisoning.
FLUORIDE & DENTAL FLUOROSIS (Click for more detail)
Excessive ingestion of fluoride during the early childhood years can damage the tooth-forming cells, leading to a defect in the enamel known as dental fluorosis.
Teeth impacted by fluorosis have visible discoloration, ranging from white spots to brown and black stains.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, 32% of American children now have some form of dental fluorosis, with 2 to 4% of children having the moderate to severe stages (CDC 2005).
According to Dr. Hardy Limeback, Head of Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto, "it is illogical to assume that tooth enamel is the only tissue affected by low daily doses of fluoride ingestion.
As acknowledged by the Physicians' Desk Reference, some individuals are allergic/hypersensitive to fluoride. The largest, government-funded, clinical trial found that 1% of individuals exposed to 1 mg/day of fluoride exhibited allergic/hypersensitive reactions, including skin reactions, gastric distress, and headache.
FLUORIDE & the KIDNEYS(Click for more detail)
The kidneys play a vital role in preventing the build-up of excessive fluoride in the body. Among healthy individuals, the kidneys excrete approximately 50% of the daily fluoride intake. However, among individuals with kidney disease, the kidneys' ability to excrete becomes markedly impaired, resulting in a build-up of fluoride within the body.
It is well recognized that individuals with kidney disease have a heightened susceptibility to the cumulative toxic effects of fluoride.
Of particular concern is the potential for fluoride, when accumulated in the skeletal system, to cause, or exacerbate, renal osteodystrophy - a bone disease commonly found among people with advanced kidney disease.
In addition, fluoride has been definitively shown to poison kidney function at high doses over short-term exposures in both animals and humans. The impact of low doses of fluoride, given over long periods of time, has been inadequately studied. A recent animal study, conducted by scientists at the US Environmental Protection Agency (Varner 1998), reported that exposure to just 1 ppm fluoride caused kidney damage in rats if they drank the water for an extended period of time, while a new study from China found an increased rate of kidney disease among humans consuming more than 2 ppm (Liu 2005). Hence, the adverse effects to kidney function that fluoride causes at high doses over short periods of time, may also be replicated with small doses if consumed over long periods of time.
FLUORIDE & the BRAIN (Click for more detail)
Fluoride's ability to damage the brain represents one of the most active areas of research on fluoride toxicity today.
Concern about fluoride's impact on the brain has been fueled by 18 human studies (from China, Mexico, India, and Iran) reporting IQ deficits among children exposed to excess fluoride, by 4 human studies indicating that fluoride can enter, and damage, the fetal brain; and by a growing number of animal studies finding damage to brain tissue (at levels as low as 1 ppm) and impairment of learning and memory among fluoride-treated groups.
According to the US National Research Council, "it is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of the brain."
FLUORIDE & the PINEAL GLAND (Click for more detail)
In the 1990s, it was discovered that the pineal gland is a major site of fluoride accumulation within the body - with higher concentrations of fluoride than either teeth or bone.
Subsequent animal studies indicate that the accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland can reduce the gland's synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty. Fluoride-treated animals were found to have reduced levels of circulating melatonin and an earlier onset of puberty than untreated animals. The scientist who conducted the research concluded:
"The safety of the use of fluorides ultimately rests on the assumption that the developing enamel organ is most sensitive to the toxic effects of fluoride. The results from this study suggest that the pinealocytes may be as susceptible to fluoride as the developing enamel organ" (Luke 1997).
The fact that fluoride's impact on the pineal gland was never studied, or even considered, before the 1990s, highlights a major gap in knowledge underpinning current policies on fluoride and health.
According to the US National Research Council, "any agent that affects pineal function could affect human health in a variety of ways, including effects on sexual maturation, calcium metabolism, parathyroid function, postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, and psychiatric disease.”
FLUORIDE & the THYROID GLAND (Click for more detail)
According to the US National Research Council, "several lines of information indicate an effect of fluoride exposure on thyroid function" - particularly among individuals with an iodine deficiency.
Fluoride's potential to impair thyroid function is most clearly illustrated by the fact that -- up until the 1970s -- European doctors used fluoride as a thyroid-suppressing medication for patients with hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid). Fluoride was utilized because it was found effective at reducing the activity of the thyroid gland - even at doses as low as 2 mg/day.
Today, many people living in fluoridated communities are ingesting doses of fluoride (1.6-6.6 mg/day) that fall within the range of doses (2 to 10 mg/day) once used by doctors to reduce thyroid activity in hyperthyroid patients. This is of particular concern considering the widespread problem of hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) in the United States. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include obesity, lethargy, depression, and heart disease.
FLUORIDE & BONE DISEASE (Click for more detail)
Excessive exposure to fluoride is well known to cause a bone disease called skeletal fluorosis.
Skeletal fluorosis, especially in its early stages, is a difficult disease to diagnose, and can be readily confused with various forms of arthritis including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
In its advanced stages, fluorosis can resemble a multitude of bone/joint diseases.
In individuals with kidney disease, fluoride exposure can contribute to, and/or exacerbate, renal osteodystrophy.
FLUORIDE & BONE FRACTURE(Click for more detail)
The majority of animal studies investigating fluoride's effect on bone strength, have found fluoride to either have no effect or a negative effect on strength. According to the US National Research Council, "The weight of evidence indicates that, although fluoride might increase bone volume, there is less strength per unit volume."
Studies on human populations consuming fluoride in drinking water have found an association between dental fluorosis and increased bone fracture in children; and between long-term consumption of fluoridated water and increased hip fracture in the elderly.
Carefully conducted human clinical trials - including two "double-blind trials" - have found that fluoride (at doses of 18-34 mg/day for just 1-4 years) increases the rate of bone fracture, particularly hip fracture, among osteoporosis patients.
FLUORIDE & CANCER (Click for more detail)
According to the National Toxicology Program, "the preponderance of evidence" from laboratory 'in vitro' studies indicates that fluoride is a mutagenic compound. Many substances which cause mutagenic damage also cause cancer.
While the concentrations of fluoride causing mutagenic damage in laboratory studies are higher than the concentrations found in human blood, there are certain "microenvironments" in the body (e.g. the bones and the bladder) where the concentrations of fluoride can accumulate to levels comparable to, or in excess of, those causing mutagenic effects in the laboratory.
Fluoride has been found to cause bone cancer (osteosarcoma) in government animal studies and rates of osteosarcoma among young males living in fluoridated areas have been found to be higher than young males living in unfluoridated areas. Osteosarcoma, while rare, is a very serious cancer. Children who develop osteosarcoma face a high probability of death (usually within 3 years) or amputation.
Fluoride exposure has also been linked to bladder cancer - particularly among workers exposed to excess fluoride in the workplace. According to the US National Research Council, “further research on a possible effect of fluoride on bladder cancer risk should be conducted.”
FLUORIDE & the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT (Click for more detail)
Among people hypersensitive to fluoride, gastrointestinal ailments have been produced following ingestion of 1 mg tablets of fluoride or consumption of 1 ppm fluoridated water.
A single ingestion of as little as 3 mg of fluoride, in carefully controlled clinical trials, has been found to produce damage to the gastric mucosa in healthy adult volunteers. No research on the gastric mucosa has ever been conducted to determine the effect of lower doses with repeated exposure.
FLUORIDE & TOOTH DECAY (Caries)(Click for more detail)
According to the current consensus view of the dental research community, fluoride's primary - if not sole - benefit to teeth comes from TOPICAL application to the exterior surface of teeth, not from ingestion.
Perhaps not surprisingly, therefore, tooth decay rates have declined at similar rates in all western countries in the latter half of the 20th century - irrespective of whether the country fluoridates its water or not. Today, tooth decay rates throughout continental western Europe are as low as the tooth decay rates in the United States - despite a profound disparity in water fluoridation prevalence in the two regions.
Within countries that fluoridate their water, recent large-scale surveys of dental health - utilizing modern scientific methods not employed in the early surveys from the 1930s-1950s - have found little difference in tooth decay, including "baby bottle tooth decay", between fluoridated and unfluoridated communities